Soma - Sql Oriented MApping framework for F#
One of the things I haven't blogged about much is the great collection of F# projects up on CodePlex.
The one that caught my eye today is Soma - a "Sql Oriented Mapping Framework". (Note, Soma is documented in Japanese - I have seen from Twitter and elsewhere the many F# tweets in Japanese, and its great to see a community developing there)
Soma implements an F#-oriented, code-first approach to O/R mapping. Queries are expressed in SQL strings, with some interesting use of F# quotations. Here's the description of the project from the home page, along with a sample that looks very compelling:
Soma is an O/R mapping framework develeped in F#.
Supported programming languages and RDBMS are followings:
- F# 2.0
- C# 4.0
- Visual Basic 2010
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- MySQL 5.x.
- Oracle Database 11g
Main Features
Main features are followings:
- 2 way SQL - SQL is executable in programs and in sql tools out of the box
- SQL log handling
- automatic primary key generation
- optimistic lock
- pagination
- support for F# immutable record type
- support for muttable POCO
- arbitrary SQL execution and result mapping
- stored procedure call
- no configuration file
- stateless architecture
- 2 way SQL - SQLはプログラムとツールで実行可能
- SQLのログハンドリング
- 主キーの自動生成
- 楽観的ロック
- ページング
- F#のイミュータブルなレコード型のサポート
- ミュータブルなPOCOのサポート
- 任意のSQLの実行と結果のマッピング
- ストアドプロシージャの実行
- 設定ファイルを必要としない
- ステートレスなアーキテクチャ
Sample Code in F#
Samples in other languages are included in the distribution zip file.
open System<br>open System.Transactions<br>open Soma.Core<br>// define a module wraps Soma.Core.Db module<br>module MyDb = let config = <br> { new MsSqlConfig() with<br> member this.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Soma.Tutorial;Integrated Security=True" } let query<'T> = Db.query<'T> config let queryOnDemand<'T> = Db.queryOnDemand<'T> config let execute sql expr = Db.execute config sql expr let find<'T when 'T : not struct> = Db.find<'T> config let tryFind<'T when 'T : not struct> = Db.tryFind<'T> config let insert<'T when 'T : not struct> = Db.insert<'T> config let update<'T when 'T : not struct> = Db.update<'T> config let delete<'T when 'T : not struct> = Db.delete<'T> config let call<'T when 'T : not struct> =<'T> config<br>// define a record mapped to a table <br>type Employee = <br> { [<Id(IdKind.Identity)>]<br> EmployeeId : int EmployeeName : string<br> DepartmentId : int<br> [<Version>]<br> VersionNo : int }<br>// define a record mapped to a procedure<br>type ProcResultAndOut = <br> { EmployeeId : int<br> [<ProcedureParam(Direction = Direction.Output)>]<br> EmployeeCount : int<br> [<ProcedureParam(Direction = Direction.Result)>]<br> Employees : Employee list }<br>let main = // execute following code in a transaction, but don't commit<br> use tx = new TransactionScope() // find by id let emp = MyDb.find<Employee> [1]<br> printfn "FOUND RECORD : \n%A\n" emp // update let emp = MyDb.update { emp with EmployeeName = "Hoge" }<br> printfn "UPDATED RECORD : \n%A\n" emp // delete<br> MyDb.delete emp<br> printfn "DELETED RECORD : \n%A\n" emp // insert let emp = MyDb.insert { EmployeeId = 0; EmployeeName = "Allen"; DepartmentId = 2; VersionNo = 0}<br> printfn "INSERTED RECORD : \n%A\n" emp // query by SQL. parameters are bindable with "Code Quotations". let empList = <br> MyDb.query<string * Employee> " select d.DepartmentName, e.EmployeeId, e.EmployeeName, e.DepartmentId, e.VersionNo from Employee e <br> inner join Department d on e.DepartmentId = d.DepartmentId where e.DepartmentId = /* emp.DepartmentId */0 <br> " <@ let emp = emp in () @><br> printfn "QUERIED TUPLES : \n%A\n" empList // call procedure let result =<ProcResultAndOut> { EmployeeId = 1; EmployeeCount = 0; Employees = [] }<br> printfn "PROCEDURE OUTPUT : \n%A\n" result // exequte arbitrary SQL let rows = <br> MyDb.execute "<br> delete from Employee <br> " <@ () @><br> printfn "AFFECTED ROWS : \n%A\n" rows<br> Console.ReadKey()