"How to keep up-to-date with the F# community?" on StackExchange
StackExchange has a useful thread on how to keep up-to-date with the F# community, some snippets from the answers below
Richard Minerich's blog is good: <fsharpcentral.com/> . Every week he publishes a very comprehensive "F# Discoveries This Week" post.
The forums at hubfs.net/ have been active since the early days of F#, although IMO there's enough critical mass on Stack Overflow to make it worthwhile asking F# questions there.
I recommend tomasp.net/ which is run by Tomas Petricek . He is a very active use over at Stack Overflow for the F# tag. Actually he has answered a good portion of my F# questions.
- Anonymous
January 09, 2011
After leaving Atalasoft I moved my weekly F# Discoveries blog to http://fsharpcentral.com/. Cheers!