F# New York User Group Meetup
The F# New York City User Group has started recently, and the liftoff meetup is a week from now, next Monday, Dec 6
Microsoft, 6th floor1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
This first meeting of the New York City F# User group will be hosted by Richard Minerich and Howard Mansell. We'll be digging into some of the basics of the language and discussing some of the things that make F# great.
Howard Mansell is the Chief Architect of the Quantitative Strategies group at Credit Suisse, the group responsible for derivative trading models and tools. Howard was first introduced to functional programming when he learned Miranda at the University of Kent at Canterbury. After suffering with C++, COM and Excel for several years, Howard introduced functional programming concepts into the Excel environment, by implementing various proprietary extensions. The popularity of these led the group to embrace functional programming more widely, and ultimately switch mainstream development to F#. Howard and his team have driven the successful adoption of F# across the group over the last two years, culminating in its use for the development of GUI tools.
There's a healthy initial signup - today there were 74 members in the group, and around 50 already signed up for the first meetup.
Now, what do I do to get an invite to come and speak? :-)
November 28, 2010
Don, anywhere F# is happening, you're "on the list"Anonymous
November 29, 2010
Don, you know we'd love to have you any time you can make it!Anonymous
December 06, 2010
Can you post the venue please. I have signed-up, but don't know where it is. Thanks.