Convert It 2.2+ XML Schema Definitions
Four Conversion Types are supported
- Measures: General Linear Conversions eg 1inch = 2.5 CMs etc
- Currency: Currency Definitions. Categories of type "Currency" can be updated via the Currency Rate Web Service provided free of charge by For valid Currency Symbols see - the 3 Character Symbols (eg GBP = United Kingdom Pounds) is a great list of valid currency symbols
- StockQuote: Catgories of this type can be updated via the Stock Quote Web Service provided free of charge by
- Temperature: For the moment this category is used for Celsius <-> Fahrenheit and it's the only conversion supported and is hard coded as it requires a constant and for the moment the XML definition doesn't cater for this:-)
Categories Element Attributes.
- Default: Sets the default Conversion Category on application Startup
- CategoryCount: Must Equal the number of Category Elements defined in the document
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Categories Default="6" CategoryCount="12">
<Category DisplayName="Angles" FileName="Angle" Type="Measures"/>
<Category DisplayName="Computer" FileName="Computer" Type="Measures"/>
<Category DisplayName="Length" FileName="Length" Type="Measures"/>
<Category DisplayName="Speed" FileName="Speed" Type="Measures"/>
<Category DisplayName="Weight Common" FileName="WeightAvoir" Type="Measures"/>
<Category DisplayName="Weight Troy" FileName="WeightTroy" Type="Measures"/>
<Category DisplayName="My Currencies" FileName="CurrencyMy" Type="Currency"/>
<Category DisplayName="Common Currencies" FileName="Currency" Type="Currency"/>
<Category DisplayName="All Currencies" FileName="CurrencyAll" Type="Currency"/>
<Category DisplayName="My Stocks" FileName="StocksMy" Type="StockQuote" />
<Category DisplayName="Interesting Stocks" FileName="StocksInterest" Type="StockQuote" />
<Category DisplayName="Temperature" FileName="Temperature" Type="Temperature"/>
Category Definitions
XML Definition is as follows:
- The first Element name must match the filename without the .XML Extension
- First Element Attributes
- BaseReference: Defines the Base Reference for the conversion category
- ItemCount: Must match the number of items in the category
- DefaultItem: (optional: default="0") what is the default startup item for the category
- DataDate: (optional) used for Currency and StockQuote types to store the date the data was last updated
- Format: (optional: default="n6") Any valid .NET string format characters eg n2 = number with 2 decimal points
- Description: (optional) Displayed when a category selected and no value entered. If not defined then the description name defaults to the name defined for the first element in the category
- Item Element Attributes
- Name: The name of the Category Item
- Value: Ratio relative to the Category BaseReference
Example Category Files
xml version="1.0"?>
<!--All conversion ratios must be relative to the BaseReference element-->
<!--eg 1 Grams (BaseReference), 1000 Grams in a Kilo, 28.3495231 grams in a Ounce-->
<!--ItemCount = total number of item elements inc the BaseReference element-->
<Length BaseReference="0" ItemCount="12" Format="n4" Description="Length Measurements">
<Item Name="Centimeters" Value="1"/>
<Item Name="Millimeters" Value="0.1"/>
<Item Name="Meters" Value="100"/>
<Item Name="Kilometers" Value="100000"/>
<Item Name="Inches" Value="2.54"/>
<Item Name="Feet" Value="30.48"/>
<Item Name="Yards" Value="91.44"/>
<Item Name="Rod:Pole:Perch" Value="502.9" />
<Item Name="Miles:Statute" Value="160934.4"/>
<Item Name="Fathom" Value="182.9" />
<Item Name="Cable" Value="18531.9" />
<Item Name="Nautical Mile:International" Value="185200" />
xml version="1.0"?>
<CurrencyMy BaseReference="1" ItemCount="8" DefaultItem="0" DataDate="10/14/2005 22:20:38" Format="n4" Description="Frequently Used Currencies">
<Item Name="USD" Value="0.8335" />
<Item Name="EUR" Value="1" />
<Item Name="GBP" Value="1.4591" />
<Item Name="AUD" Value="0.6259" />
<Item Name="CHF" Value="0.6448" />
<Item Name="PHP" Value="0.0149" />
<Item Name="PLN" Value="0.2542" />
<Item Name="HKD" Value="0.1075" />
xml version="1.0"?>
<StocksMy BaseReference="0" ItemCount="7" DefaultItem="0" DataDate="10/12/2005 23:52:40" Format="n4" Description="My Portfolio">
<Item Name="Show-All" Value="0" />
<Item Name="MSFT" Value="24.52" Info="O:24.41, H:24.55, V:3163640, PC:+0.45%, " />
<Item Name="IBM" Value="82.5" Info="O:82.75, H:82.75, V:179000, PC:-0.83%, " />
<Item Name="SUNW" Value="3.97" Info="O:3.98, H:3.993, V:975188, PC:-0.75%, " />
<Item Name="NOVL" Value="7.17" Info="O:7.11, H:7.18, V:73719, PC:+0.14%, " />
<Item Name="BT" Value="38.38" Info="O:38.38, H:38.38, V:1100, PC:0.00%, " />
<Item Name="NAB" Value="120.5" Info="O:N/A, H:N/A, V:0, PC:0.00%, " />
xml version="1.0"?>
<Temperature BaseReference="0" ItemCount="2" Format="n2">
<Item Name="Celsius" Value="0"/>
<Item Name="Fahrenheit" Value="0"/>