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Integration Manager product suggestions, please vote!

Beth GardnerIn order to get any new features added into our products, we need to have votes cast.  This gives the Program Managers an idea if there really is need for certain features to be added.

I have added the following items for Integration Manager.  Please vote on the ones you find important.

GP- Add the BR Post Bank Deposits destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the BR Post Bank Deposits destination added as an eConnect destination adapter in Integration Manager.
Updated 11 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments remove

GP- Add the BR Delete Bank Deposits destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the BR Delete Bank Deposits destination added as an eConnect destination adapter in Integration Manager.
Updated 11 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments remove

GP- Add the PA Change Order destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the PA Change Order destination added as an eConnect destination to Integration Manager.
Updated 11 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments remove

GP- Add the PA Equipment Log Transaction destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the PA Equipment Log Transaction added as a eConnect destination in Integration Manager.
Updated 11 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 1 comment remove

GP- Integration Manager Payables Manual Check
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
There should be an eConnect destination for the Payables Manual Check in Integration Manager. We would also like to be able to apply these …
Updated 13 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 1 rating | 1 validation | 0 workarounds | 2 comments remove

GP- Create an SDK to add existing eConnect destinations into Integration Manager 10.0 and future releases
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see an SDK written on how to add existing eConnect destination schemas to Integration Manager. This would allow more destinat…
Updated 13 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 1 rating | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments remove

GP- Add the IV Inventory Transfer destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the IV Inventory Transfer destination added as an eConnect destination to Integration Manager. Updated 14 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments remove

GP- Add the PA Miscellaneous Log Expense destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the PA Miscellaneous Log Expense destination added as a new eConnect destination in Integration Manager.
Updated 14 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments remove

GP- Add the BR Bank Transaction Void destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the BR Bank Transaction Void destination that is in eConnect added as a new Integration Manger destination.
Updated 14 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments remove

GP- Add the POP Enter Match Invoice destination to Integration Manager
From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics
Type: Suggestion
Would like to see the POP Enter Match Invoice destination added as a new destination to Integration Manager
Updated 14 weeks ago | Resolved (tracking) | 0 ratings | 0 validations | 0 workarounds | 0 comments. 

These suggestions are in no particular order.
We welcome your feedback on future product enhancements for the module you are writing in on.  We do have some out on the Microsoft Connect Web site that we would like you to vote on.  This will help us in the planning for future releases.

Here is the link to the web site:

Click on ‘Search Existing’ to vote on existing product features or ‘Create New’ to enter a new product feature request.

Click the number of stars you think the product feature is worth to you or your company to cast your vote.


Beth Gardner

Support Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Dynamics GP Developer Support


  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2008
    More importantly, why not expose all eConnect schemas, nodes, and fields to Integration Manager? I am not sure I understand why the eConnect adapter has been limited to a few fields per node per schema given the fact that it should not be much of a problem to expose them in IM. That would be of more use to all the user community than voting on each individual feedback item. Best regards, MG.- Mariano Gomez Maximum Global Business, LLC

  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2008
    Hi Mariano, Yes, that is a very good point.  That would mean you would want to vote for this product suggestion: GP- Create an SDK to add existing eConnect destinations into Integration Manager 10.0 and future releases From Connection: Microsoft Dynamics Type: Suggestion Would like to see an SDK written on how to add existing eConnect destination schemas to Integration Manager. This would allow more destinat… This means that anyone would be able to add any of the existing eConnect schemas and possibly another product's schemas into Integration Manager. The reason for only adding a few at a time is because of the amount of resources it takes on the testing side of the new destinations.  When there are product bugs, they take a higher priority then a feature add.  We need to plan and allocate the correct amount of resources for both.  As many Integration Manager users have found on 10.0, the new code behind the scenes is different and so we have had to fix more bugs than we used to.  The voting will allow us to allocate the correct amount of resources to the 11.0 release based on the information/feedback we receive on the product suggestions.  Since they cannot all be added at the same time, the voting will allow us to add the ones that are most needed by our end users.  Right now the 11.0 feature lists and resource allocation are being compiled and so that is why we put the ask out to the field. Thank you so much for your comment as I know that many people feel the same way you do. Regards, Beth Gardner MBS Developer Support

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2008
    Posting from Victoria Yudin

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2008
    Beth Gardner wrote an article on Dave Musgrave's "Developing for Dynamics Blog" in regards to Voting

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2008
    Beth Gardner wrote an article on Dave Musgrave's "Developing for Dynamics Blog" in regards

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2010
    How about adding all fields ? I am fighting how to integrate billing note field on PA employee expense. :(

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2010
    Hi Kamlesh Please log your suggestion via the MS Connect site so we can get it into the system. See the post below for instructions: Thanks David

  • Anonymous
    July 05, 2010

  1. Payables Manual Check
  2. Inventory Transfers
  3. Purchasing Invoice Matching
  • Anonymous
    July 05, 2010
    Hi Thomas Please vote using the Microsoft product suggestion database, MS Connect as described in the post. Thanks David

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2013
    Inventory Transfer Bank  Deposits