New Dev2Dev Video! SharePoint Development - Making Sense of it All
The first Dev2Dev Video is now live!
Sharepoint Development - Making Sense of it All.
The video covers:
- Sharepoint Overview
- The different types of Sharepoint Development
- Changing Sharepoint with Sharepoint itself
- Sharepoint Designer
- How to setup a Sharepoint Dev Environment
- Coding in the VPC
- Webpart creation and deployment
- Adding NextWeb content to Webparts - a working Silverlight Webpart.
- Some Blend coding and debugging. =)
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Developer to Developer is a place filled with tips, tricks, and stories of battle from your fellow coders. Some of the best stuff you can pick up in your career doesn't come from a book or a presentation. It comes from your fellow developer and his experiences. A quick hallway conversation, 15 mins at someone's desk after a "Hey come check this out!".. these are the things that can make a difference!
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Technorati Tags: Sharepoint Development, Webparts, Silverlight
December 15, 2007
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January 15, 2008
The links to the SkyDrive, all come back with "Server error" on SkyDrive. Is there another location for these videos? I've tried downloading via firefox & IE 7...Anonymous
February 09, 2008
so we meet again... - A fundamental concept for the show is that weAnonymous
February 12, 2008
so we meet again... This important white paper recently showed up on our downloads site: SharePoint Products