Environment.TickCount returns negative numbers - MSDN doc error
This one just bit us a today.
The documentation for TickCount on MSDN say that this value is always positiove:
The TickCount property handles an overflow condition by resetting its value to zero. The minimum value returned by TickCount is 0.
And in another place in the docs:
The value of this property is derived from the system timer and is stored as a 32-bit signed integer. Therefore, the elapsed time will wrap around to zero if the system is run continuously for 24.9 days.
However, in MSDN2, the docs say:
TickCount will increment from zero to Int32.MaxValue for approximately 24.9 days, then jump to Int32.MinValue, which is a negative number, then increment back to zero during the next 24.9 days.
I remembered the original docs from 1.1 and so never had any reason to doubt the potential values. Apparently, in 1.1 it could go to negative numbers as well, though I have not checked that.
This bug is a female dog to find too - it will only show after 25 days without a reboot.
August 20, 2006
Thanks for your post. This bug just got me. (VS2003, Compact Framework 1.1).
July 09, 2007
Thanks for your post. This bug got me on my production system.Anonymous
November 16, 2007
But we're talking WINDOWS here, how likely is it that a windows machine will run continuously for 24.9 days? Seems like an edge case to me.Anonymous
November 16, 2007
A jab at windows stability! That's fresh. ;)Anonymous
January 12, 2008
Thanks for this information. I was fighting with this weird bug under .NET1.1 for a couple of days until I came across your blog post. I'm very astonished that I cannot find an official bug report or statement from MS. Does anybody know where I can get an official bug report or statement from MS?Anonymous
September 06, 2012
I just encountered the problem using System.Environment.TickCount and the native API function (declared as int instead of uint). For my case, my work PC was powered on more than a month or two ago: I usually hybernate its state. Counting the summer vacations, you can understand how it overflowed the 24 days limit. ;)Anonymous
March 11, 2013
Thanks for the post. This hit me as well. Worst bug I've ever had, I think.Anonymous
October 13, 2014
I've encountered the problem using System.Environment.TickCount and to avoid this bug, you've to remove the sign using following code: int positiveResult = Environment.TickCount & int.MaxValue; If you remove the sign the returned value will be always positive, which causes the application to work even when the TickCount returns negative value. I hope that this will help someone.Anonymous
December 10, 2014
many thanks for the post..i just went weirdo seeing tick-counts all of a sudden negative.