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Users are not able to connect to a two-node TS farm when one of the nodes shuts down




    a. On the client machine, RDP "terminal_pool", verified that we got redirected to one of the two member servers in the RD pool (note the name of currently logged on server)

    b. On the client machine, we *disconnected* the RDP session (*not* logoff)

    c. Disconnected session host "test3" from network, make sure session broker is not able to ping "test3"

    d. On the client machine, ping "terminal_pool", now we get test4's IP address

    e. On the client machine, RDP "terminal_pool" fails

    f. Wait for few minutes (6 minutes to be exact), on the client machine, RDP "terminal_pool" succeeds




在 Session Broker 上去修改以下機碼,就能夠解決 步驟 e) 問題。

修改以下機碼後,步驟 e) 只需要等待三秒就可以馬上連線成功並導到有在線上的另一台 Session host,不須再等待 6 分鐘。



    Name: TimeBetweenPings

    Type: DWORD

    Value: Change from 120 (dec) to 1 (dec)