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SharePoint Tidbit - The train rolls forward on the Modern experience

Hello All,

Recently this article was highlighted in one of our Yammer groups and I think it’s important to make sure you read and understand it.  The article is done by Chris McNulty and here is the highlights, but check it out as he has some great Q&A.

Starting Apr 1, 2019 admins will no longer be able to restrict Classic mode on Lists and Libraries.

What this means is that for those lists and Libraries that are in classic mode because of Tenant restrictions will convert to Modern mode automatically.  There are some cases where lists and libraries will not convert to Modern mode:

  1. If the list or library uses a feature not supported in modern (Read this for more info)
  2. If the Site Admin (or List creator) uses the switch to opt-out of Modern mode (Read this for more info)

Remember users will benefit from enhancements and new features such as attention views, PowerApps integration, Flow, column formatting, and the filters pane.  However if you really want to you can take some actions:

  • Using SharePoint Modernization Scanner identify those sites that will and won’t change (Find the tool here)
  • Use a PowerShell script to set the switch to remain in Classic mode (See here)
