Types and Namespaces in .NET Framework 3.5
Microsoft has released a PDF version of a new poster, showing the .NET Framework 3.5 commonly used types.
The amount of LINQ specific data here is rather limited, and a bit spread out across the poster, rather than centralized in one place:
- System.Data.Linq
- DataContext
- EntityRef<T>
- EntitySet<T>
- Table<T>
- System.Data.Linq.Mapping
- AttributeMappingSource
- Metamodel
- XmlMappingSource
- System.Linq
- IQueryable<T>
- Queryable
- System.Linq.Expressions
- Expression<T>
- Expression
- System.Xml.Linq
- XAttribute
- XDocument
- XElement
- XName
- XNamespace
- XNode
- XText
- Web Controls
- LinqDataSource
Nevertheless, there is a good deal of general information squeezed into this poster, and it is probably worth spending a few minutes looking it over. Particular useful are the little icons showing which classes made it into the the Compact Framework, and which are planned for inclusion in Silverlight.
November 15, 2007
PingBack from http://msdnrss.thecoderblogs.com/2007/11/15/types-and-namespaces-in-net-framework-35/Anonymous
March 10, 2008
Amigos, essa dica é para quem ainda não tem o poster contendo os principais namespaces do Framework .NET...