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What’s in a Name?

Microsoft AlignITYou may have noticed that I’ve mentioned the AlignIT program a couple of times while blogging and tweeting. Or perhaps you didn’t. But I’d like to draw your attention to it now and explain exactly what AlignIT is all about and what it means for you, the IT leader.

Over the past few years, we’ve been posting to this blog, hosting podcasts and webcasts as well as doing in-person events across Canada, all with content developed for IT managers. But these activities were never linked together. Now that has changed. We still have this blog, we’re still doing podcasts and webcasts and in-person events, but now they’re under the banner of AlignIT and are consolidated along with other relevant information on the AlignIT home page at

AlignIT is all about keeping you informed about what really matters in business and technology.

We may use any number of vehicles to reach and interact with you, but the goal and purpose is the same. Making sure that you as an IT decision maker, have the information that you need.

I hope you find the new AlignIT program useful and relevant. If you have ideas for the program and things you’d like to see us do or would like to help drive the direction of what we do, please contact me at or by using the blog contact form or comments section below. Better yet, attend the AlignIT tour at one of the 12 cities we’re going to across Canada and come up and talk to me about what’s on your mind!