Canadian IT Manager's Blog
Broadly connecting Canadian Infrastructure and Development Managers through career, industry and technology insight.
MVP Top Tips: SQL Server High Availability in Windows Azure Iaas
Article is from Cluster MVP David Bermingham...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/25/2014
Career news headlines with stories
ACM CareerNews HEADLINES AT A GLANCE: The Fastest-Growing States for Tech Jobs Want a Tech Job?...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/19/2014
SecTor 2014 - Register Before Price Increase
Take advantage of Standard pricing and register by August 31st for Canada’s largest IT security...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/19/2014
Visual Studio "14" CTP 3 Released
Visual Studio "14" CTP 3 Released...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/18/2014
People of ACM: Q&A with Jeannette Wing Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research
ACM Bulletin: Jeannette Wing's areas of expertise are in trustworthy computing, formal methods,...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/14/2014
International CES Mobile Apps Showdown Appreneur Awards—Open for submissions
Who Will Be the Next Global Appreneur Scholars? You have the brains. You have the entrepreneurial...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/13/2014
Register for August 29 Webcast: "Async JavaScript at Netflix"
Register TODAY for the next free ACM Webcast, "Async JavaScript at Netflix," presented on...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/12/2014
MVP Top Tips–Power BI primer
“Power BI is new and emerging self-service business intelligence and business analytics framework...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/11/2014
Top MVP tips covering—xUnit, Windows boot with Powershell, Personalizing notifications, Visual Studio FTS 2013 Update 3, OneNote for planning
- Getting Started with xUnit for Xamarin By Windows Platform Development MVP Oron Novotny 2....
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/11/2014
Digital Quake changing enterprises and jobs
“There is an impending digital tsunami — or D-Quake — that can drive enterprises...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 08/11/2014
The quest for global e-talent
While in Geneva at the ITU World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), I talked with Namir...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/28/2014
Help build a prioritized list of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Business Technology Management (BTM) occupations
Are you a Human Resources (HR) person or an “in the trenches” ICT professional at the managerial...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/22/2014
Top MVP tips--Referring to Content Control Using C#
from Visual C# MVP Ming Man Chan Referring to Content Control using C
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/14/2014
Top MVP tips: Updateable Column Store Indexes in SQL Server 2014
From SQL Server MVP Sergio Govoni Updateable Column Store Indexes in SQL Server 2014
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/14/2014
Top MVP tips covering—Visual Studio, Azure, Microsoft Access, Biztalk
- 256 Seconds with dotNetDave – Episode 1 By Visual C#...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/14/2014
Top MVP tips covering--Windows Universal Apps, Hyper-V, Dynamics CRM 2013, Windows Phone 8.1
- A Show-All-Or-Nothing Behavior for Windows Universal Apps...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/13/2014
You must understand foreign markets with these 7 lessons
Foreign markets contribute over 50 per cent to the success of many enterprises. If IT execs aren’t...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/04/2014
CIPS free ethics exam key to cyberthreats
Increasing ethics training is the answer to cyberthreats with over 90 percent of networks comprised...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/04/2014
Register for July 23 Webcast: "Simplifying Big Data with Hadoop"
What’s the Big Deal with Big Data? And, more importantly, what is the business case for Big Data? In...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 07/02/2014
MVP Mentor Program
The MVP Mentor Program has a new website! The Program connects students who want to learn more about...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/26/2014
OneDrive – 15 GB Free for Everyone, 1TB for Office 365 Subscribers
Some very exciting updates to OneDrive and Office 365 were announced : · OneDrive will come with 15...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/26/2014
June 25 Webcast, "Navigating Cybersecurity and Public Policy: Six Key Issues"
Register TODAY for the next free ACM Webcast: "Navigating Cybersecurity and Public Policy: Six...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/13/2014
Visual Studio “14” CTP Resources
Try out the Visual Studio “14” CTP, released recently: Downloads: Download the Visual Studio “14”...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/09/2014
Noteworthy Expert Developer Webinars: Debugging Direct3D Windows Phone 8.1 apps, Developing Universal Apps with Azure Mobile Services, Optimizing Windows Phone Apps
Debugging your Direct3D apps for Windows Phone 8.1 June 10th - Rob Caplan and James Dailey,...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/09/2014
Microsoft System Center Advisor (preview)—Log Management, Capacity Planning, Update Assessment, Malware Status
For IT executives and your teams, this is worth going to ‘Advisor Limited Public Preview’ service:...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/01/2014
Three lessons for career growth
I am fortunate to work with top executives worldwide. I gain added insights from the hundreds of...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 06/01/2014
Register for June 17 ACM Learning Webinar: "The Marriage of BI and Big Data—Business unIntelligence"
Register TODAY to attend our next free ACM Learning Webinar, "The Marriage of BI and Big...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/29/2014
Skype real-time translation breakthrough demoed at the Code Conference—watch it!
As noted in this Microsoft blog, at the inaugural Code Conference(#CodeCon), Satya Nadella discussed...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/28/2014
Chat with Leslie Lamport ACM Turing Award Recipient in 2014 (Nobel Prize of Computing); World-Renowned Distinguished Researcher
- Bill Gates indicates “As a leader in defining many of the key concepts of distributed computing...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/26/2014
Ethics in IT: Making it Personal—Meet up roundtable Monday June 9th
We assume that our employers, customers, and colleagues are be guided by ethical principles. ...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/26/2014
New Surface Offerings: Livestream New York City Microsoft Surface event begins at 11 am EST May 20th
The NYC livestream #surface event begins at 11 am EST. Here is the link:...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/20/2014
Microsoft Azure and SAP expanded partnership meeting diverse needs of the enterprise
I found this news of great interest to the enterprise after speaking to my enterprise colleagues. An...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/19/2014
MVP Blogs Spotlight: Mentoring Imagine Cup, PowerShell Summit, Battle of the Lowlands, Using Microsoft’s Entity Framework, Best Practices Friday 5
Being a Mentor in the Imagine Cup Battle of the Lowlands PowerShell Summit North America 2014...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/17/2014
OneDrive for Business Increases Storage from 25GB to 1TB Per User
For more details go here! Summary of notable items quoted from the link: First, we will be...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/17/2014
Azure massive enhancements with VM, Networking, Storage, Remote App, API Management, Hybrid Connections, Cache, Store
Here is a summary quoted from Scott Guhtrie’s blog post: Virtual Machines: Integrated Security...
Author: Stephen.Ibaraki Microsoft MVP Date: 05/17/2014