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David Woods, Accomplished Security Authority, Microsoft Developer Security MVP

This is the next blog in the continuing series of interviews with top-echelon and renowned professionals. In this blog, I interview David Woods, Accomplished Security Authority, Microsoft Developer Security MVP.

David provided his insights for the April edition of YouShapeIT.

Stephen Ibaraki,
FCIPS, I.S.P., ITCP/IFIP IP3, MVP , DFNPA, CNP, Advanced Technology,YouShapeIT

An exclusive interview with David Woods.

David WoodsDavid Woods, President and Founder of Solidhouse (, is an accomplished independent contractor and .NET developer specializing in security and enterprise applications aimed at meeting the unique needs and business requirements of a broad spectrum of clients.

He is an advocate of good OO skills and patterns, and is particularly passionate about security solutions and best practices. Dave holds the designation of Microsoft Developer Security MVP. He has been developing and working on computers since he was a kid and still has his Apple II to prove it.

In addition to his corporate projects, Dave enjoys sharing his knowledge and understanding of some of the Industry's most innovative and forward-thinking arenas with other professionals and up-and-coming developers. He is an active speaker at a variety of user groups, code camps and conferences throughout Canada and the United States, and via his informative blog:

To listen to the interview, click on this MP3 file link

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