AlignIT Tour is a Wrap - Post-Event Resources Now Available
Over the last 6 weeks or so, John Bristowe and I, as well as Rick Claus and Christian Beauclair, have visited 10 cities for the AlignIT Tour. For those of you that attended the tour events, we thank you once again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to hear about how you can take the road to a more optimized and dynamic IT infrastructure by taking advantage of a model-based approach through the Infrastructure Optimization model. Through your feedback, you also indicated that virtualization is something that you are looking at as a technology to help you make this happen and I hope that we were able to provide some insight into virtualization from the desktop to the data centre .
For both those of you that were able to make it out to the event, as well as those that could not get away, we are now making the post-event resources available for you to download and review at your own pace. You can find the PowerPoint slide decks, video recordings of the sessions (as delivered in Mississauga), as well as additional links and resources at The same content is also available in French at, but please note the the video recordings are in English only.
While reviewing the content, don't forget about the upcoming Webcast for IT Managers titled Project Management for the IT Manager - when to bring in help on December 9 at 12 noon EST, or the IT Manager Podcast series, which may provide useful insight and help you grown your skills.
Once again, thanks to all of you that attended the tour events. We hope that you found the content and use of your time worthwhile. To follow on John Oxley's previous post, please email me at with any additional thoughts and feedback on the AlignIT Tour. We also value your input in our future events targeted at the technology planners and managers so please let us know what we can do to help you do what you do better.