VB Day on May 27th (Waltham, MA)
There are still a few more seats available for the VB.NET Day event coming up on May 27th in Waltham, MA, from 9:00 to 3:30. Following on the success of his C# Day series (both in person and in Second Life), Michael de la Maza is offering a VB-focused version of this day-long, participatory learning experience.
The description from Michael's site:
Join us for a relaxed, no cost introduction to VB.NET programming. By engaging in participatory activities, you will learn some of the most common and powerful features of the VB.NET language. This day is not lecture-based. There will be fewer than 60 minutes of lecture material -- almost all of the time will be spent on participant-guided activities. Everyone who attends will learn what interests them at their own pace in a relaxed, tension-free environment with an experienced VB.NET developer and trainer available to answer questions.
RSVPs are required and details are here.
- Anonymous
May 20, 2008
Thanks for the mention! To get a sense of the fun we will have, check out this fun Popfly game which tests VB Skills! http://www.popfly.com/users/mdlm/VB%20Game Register for the event on May 27th by visiting www.learn2learn2program.com