Watch the Autocomplete values change as you enter data
Here is some code to demonstrate the AutoComplete property Its behavior is very similar to Outlook 2003 or the Internet Explorer Address URL entry control. It prompts the user with possible entries in a drop down like Intellisense.
The code creates a form with 2 textboxes, a grid and a listbox from which you can change the Autocomplete behavior of the other controls. It also shows the Autocomplete table, so as you enter values into the textboxes or the grid, you can see the autocomplete table contents being updated. If you enter a new value, a new record is added. If you use an existing value, the count increments and the datetime stamp is updated for that value.
Tab around the form (Ctrl-Tab to get out of the grid) and type in various values. Hit the Delete key when an Autocomplete entry is highlighted, and it will be removed. (The same behavior can be seen in Outlook 2003.) Experiment with changing the listbox to Most Recently Used or Most Frequently Used.
Of course, because it’s a normal Visual Foxpro table, you can modify the table contents from your own code. For example, it can be prepoplulated with any desired values, perhaps depending on the day of week or other values.
The sorting of the menu is either alphabetical or based on an integer nSortWeight determined by the mode. The Most Frequently Used value is simple: it just sets nSortWeight to the negative value of the Count field. The Custom mode is similar: it sets nSortWeight to the negative value of the Weight field.
The MRU field is a little more complicated: it subtracts the current DateTime from the Updated field’s DateTime value and multiplies by 86400 (the number of seconds in a day) to get an integer. Can you figure out under what conditions this value will overflow? Hint: a 4 byte integer needs to accommodate positive and negative values. The integer part of a DateTime value represents a single day. The fractional part is the number of seconds since midnight divided by 86400. What is the resolution of the MRU mode for a fast typist?
SET REFRESH TO 2 &&Refresh the BROWSE every 2 seconds
CREATE Table AutoComp (Source c(20), Data C(254), Count I, Weight I, Created T, Updated T, User M)
INDEX ON source +UPPER(LEFT(data,30))+padl(count,8) FOR !DELETED() tag data
USE (HOME()+"samples\data\customer") && use table to get sample data
INSERT into autocomp values ("TXTNAME",,1,0,DATETIME()-1*86400*RECNO(),DATETIME()-2*86400*RECNO(),"")
INSERT into autocomp values ("TXTCITY",,1,0,DATETIME()-3*86400*RECNO(),DATETIME()-4*86400*RECNO(),"")
PUBLIC ox,oBrowse
USE autocomp order 1
BROWSE NOWAIT NAME oBrowse && show the autocomp table
CREATE CURSOR temp (name c(30),city c(30)) && temp table for grid
APPEND blank && add 3 records
APPEND blank
APPEND blank
GO TOP && go to the first record
PUBLIC oAutoComp as form
WITH oAutoComp as Form
.AddObject("lblName" ,"label")
WITH .lblName
WITH .txtName as TextBox
.AddObject("lblCity" ,"label")
WITH .lblCity
WITH .txtCity as textbox
WITH .grid1 as Grid
WITH .grid1.column1
WITH .grid1.column2
WITH .lst
WITH oBrowse as Grid && position the browse
DEFINE CLASS MyListBox as ListBox
WITH this as ListBox
.AddItem("Most Frequently")
.AddItem("Most Recently")
this.ListIndex=2 && initialize to Alphabetical
* change all controls that have Autocomplete property
August 05, 2005
I love VFP 9's autocomplete implementation except for how the dropdown list is rendered. Do you have any ideas on how one might use VFP 9's new Win32 bindevent() capabilities to position and size the autocomplete dropdown so that it left aligns to its parent control and uses a width identical to its parent?
Thank you,
December 31, 2005
This code not work because there is no use of autocomplete commandsAnonymous
March 14, 2007
thoughts from a professional developer I do not agree. Go to
March 14, 2007
thoughts from a professional developer I do not agree. Go to
May 17, 2007
Is there a problem with autocomplete when the textbox is in a toolbar? I've altered your code to show you that it only accepts one character... CLEAR ALL SET REFRESH TO 2 &&Refresh the BROWSE every 2 seconds CREATE Table AutoComp (Source c(20), Data C(254), Count I, Weight I, Created T, Updated T, User M) INDEX ON source +UPPER(LEFT(data,30))+padl(count,8) FOR !DELETED() tag data _screen.AutoCompTable="autocomp.dbf" USE (HOME()+"samplesdatacustomer") && use table to get sample data SCAN NEXT 10 INSERT into autocomp values ("TXTNAME",,1,0,DATETIME()-186400RECNO(),DATETIME()-286400RECNO(),"") INSERT into autocomp values ("TXTCITY",,1,0,DATETIME()-386400RECNO(),DATETIME()-486400RECNO(),"") ENDSCAN PUBLIC ox,oBrowse SELECT 2 USE autocomp order 1 BROWSE NOWAIT NAME oBrowse && show the autocomp table SELECT 1 CREATE CURSOR temp (name c(30),city c(30)) && temp table for grid APPEND blank && add 3 records APPEND blank APPEND blank GO TOP && go to the first record PUBLIC oTool as Toolbar m.oTool = CREATEOBJECT('toolbar') m.oTool.Show() m.oTool.AddObject('txtName','Textbox') m.oTool.txtName.visible = .T. m.oTool.txtName.AutoCompTable = _SCREEN.AutoCompTable m.oTool.txtName.AutoComplete = 1 PUBLIC oAutoComp as form oAutoComp=NEWOBJECT("form") WITH oAutoComp as Form .AllowOutput=.f. .Height=400 .AddObject("lblName" ,"label") WITH .lblName .Top=10 .Left=40 .Caption="Name" ENDWITH .addobject("txtname","textbox") WITH .txtName as TextBox .top=10 .left=90 .width=200 ENDWITH .AddObject("lblCity" ,"label") WITH .lblCity .Top=40 .Left=40 .Caption="City" ENDWITH .AddObject("txtcity","textbox") WITH .txtCity as textbox .top=40 .left=90 ENDWITH .AddObject("grid1","grid") WITH .grid1 as Grid .top=80 .left=30 .height=100 ENDWITH WITH .grid1.column1 .AddObject("txtName","textbox") .currentcontrol="txtName" .width=130 ENDWITH WITH .grid1.column2 .AddObject("txtCity","textbox") .currentcontrol="txtCity" .width=130 ENDWITH .AddObject("lst","mylistbox") WITH .lst .top=210 .left=20 ENDWITH .SetAll("visible",.t.) .Visible=.t. ENDWITH WITH oBrowse as Grid && position the browse .left=oAutoComp.Left+oAutoComp.Width .width=650 .Height=oAutoComp.Height*2 .FontSize=10 .AutoFit ENDWITH DEFINE CLASS MyListBox as ListBox PROCEDURE init WITH this as ListBox .AddItem("None") .AddItem("Alphabetical") .AddItem("Most Frequently") .AddItem("Most Recently") .AddItem("Custom") ENDWITH this.ListIndex=2 && initialize to Alphabetical PROCEDURE click * change all controls that have Autocomplete property thisform.setall("autocomplete",this.ListIndex-1) ENDDEFINEAnonymous
January 22, 2009
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June 09, 2009
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