Magnify your pictures using a PictureBox so that you can zoom with the Mouse Wheel
Today’s digital cameras take pictures with much higher resolution than many computer screens. My Canon PowerShot SD800 IS camera takes pictures at 3072 x 2204 resolution.
One of my laptops died recently, and I noticed that local laptop retailers have machines with 1280 X 1024 resolution. I much prefer a higher resolution display, so I ordered a customizable Dell Inspiron 1525 with 1680 x 1050.
(I’ve been ordering computers from Dell for over 20 years, back in the days when it was called PC’s Limited. Why does Dell distinguish between business/government/home laptops?)
I was playing around with some photos using a PictureBox control, and I wanted to add a feature that would allow click/zoom using the mouse wheel to designate a point to magnify.
It was pretty easy to create my own class MyPictureBox which inherits from PictureBox and handles the MouseWheel and zooming.
Below are C# and VB versions. If I get enough requests, maybe I’ll make a Fox version (although I like this Fox version of zooming: Enable crop and zooming in on your digital photograph display form)
Start Visual Studio 2008 (I think these should work in VS2005)
File->New->Project->VB/C#->Windows Application.
View->Code, then paste the VB/C# code below, hit F5
Move the mouse to designate a zoom anchor point, then mouse wheel to zoom in/out
If you switch back to the form designer, the ToolBox has the MyPictureBox control on it, which you can drag/drop onto a form.
If you already have your own form that uses a PictureBox or several, you can avoid manually changing all the instances by carefully editing the Form1.Designer.vb file to replace the type with MyPictureBox (make a backup first).
As an exercise, try extending this feature by adding the ability to change the anchor point while zoomed or pan the zoomed picture.
Some VB/C# coding issues:
· semicolons
· capitalization
· intermediate arithmetic rounding results
· event handling
See also:
Enable crop and zooming in on your digital photograph display form
Create your own media browser: Display your pictures, music, movies in a XAML tooltip
<VB Code>
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Left = 0
Me.Top = 0
Me.Size = My.Computer.Screen.WorkingArea.Size
Dim oPict = New MyPictureBox
oPict.Size = Me.Size
oPict.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
oPict.Image = New Bitmap("d:\kids.jpg") ' path to some picture
Me.ActiveControl = oPict
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MyPictureBox
Inherits PictureBox
Private zmLevel As Integer = 1
Private zmPt As Point
Overloads Property Image() As Image ' we want to hook when client's set the image to reset the zoom level to unzoomed
Return MyBase.Image
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Image)
zmLevel = 1 ' reinit
MyBase.Image = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pe As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
'MyBase.OnPaint(pe) ' don't call baseclass to paint
If Me.Image IsNot Nothing Then
Dim loc As Point
Dim sz As Size
If zmLevel <> 1 Then
sz = New Size(Me.Image.Width / zmLevel, Me.Image.Height / zmLevel)
' center on zmPt
loc = New Point(Me.Image.Width * (zmPt.X / Me.ClientRectangle.Width) - sz.Width / 2, _
Me.Image.Height * (zmPt.Y / Me.ClientRectangle.Height) - sz.Height / 2) '
loc = New Point(0, 0) ' no zoom: we want the entire source picture
sz = Me.Image.Size
End If
Dim rectSrc = New Rectangle(loc, sz)
' now draw the rect of the source picture in the entire client rect of MyPictureBox
pe.Graphics.DrawImage(Me.Image, Me.ClientRectangle, rectSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
End If
End Sub
Sub PictureBox_MouseWheel(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseWheel
If Me.zmLevel = 1 Then ' can only anchor when unzoomed
Me.zmPt = New Point(e.X, e.Y)
End If
If e.Delta > 0 Then
If zmLevel < 20 Then
zmLevel += 1
End If
If e.Delta < 1 Then
If zmLevel > 1 Then
zmLevel -= 1
End If
End If
End If
Me.Invalidate() ' queue msg to repaint
End Sub
End Class
</VB Code>
<C# Code>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
this.Left = 0;
this.Top = 0;
this.Size = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size;
var oPict = new MyPictureBox();
oPict.Size = this.Size;
oPict.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
oPict.Image = new Bitmap("d:\\kids.jpg");
this.ActiveControl = oPict;
public class MyPictureBox : PictureBox
private int zmLevel = 1;
private Point zmPt;
public MyPictureBox()
this.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(MyPictureBox_MouseWheel);
void MyPictureBox_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (this.zmLevel == 1)
this.zmPt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
if (e.Delta > 0)
if (zmLevel < 20)
zmLevel += 1;
if (e.Delta < 1)
if (zmLevel > 1)
zmLevel -= 1;
new public Image Image // overrides
return base.Image;
zmLevel = 1;
base.Image = value;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
if (this.Image != null)
Point loc;
Size sz;
if (zmLevel != 1)
sz = new Size(this.Image.Width / zmLevel, this.Image.Height / zmLevel);
// center on zmPt. Casts are needed so integer divide doesn't occur (intermediate double result)
loc = new Point((int)(this.Image.Width * (zmPt.X / (double)this.ClientRectangle.Width)) - sz.Width / 2,
(int)(this.Image.Height * (zmPt.Y / (double)this.ClientRectangle.Height)) - sz.Height / 2);
loc = new Point(0, 0);
sz = this.Image.Size;
Rectangle rectSrc = new Rectangle(loc, sz);
// now draw the rect of the source picture in the entire client rect of MyPictureBox
pe.Graphics.DrawImage(this.Image, this.ClientRectangle, rectSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
</C# Code>
August 21, 2008
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August 21, 2008
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August 21, 2008
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August 21, 2008
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August 21, 2008
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August 27, 2008
OK, this is one request for the VFP code to do the same. I look forward to your explanation on how to do the interop. Thanks. AlexAnonymous
August 29, 2008
I second Alex's request ... Please give us a VFP version. Thanks in advance.Anonymous
September 03, 2008
One more request for the VFP versionAnonymous
September 07, 2008
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September 08, 2008
I suspect that it is mostly to limit or alter the warrenty and support options that are displayed. If an average home user saw the warrenty/support options offered to businesses they might actually be shocked (by the prices mostly) but would certainly be confused.Anonymous
September 10, 2008
And another request for the VFP version.Anonymous
October 07, 2008
One more request for a VFP version.Anonymous
June 02, 2009
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June 08, 2009
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June 16, 2009
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February 18, 2014
I am really grateful for your kindness, wish you all success:-)Anonymous
July 07, 2014
Great work. Thank you for sharing. How can i move using MouseMove event? or how to add a horizontal and vertical scroll bar? Thank you againAnonymous
July 14, 2014
Described in very Simplified Manner. Should i reproduce it on my blog ?Anonymous
July 19, 2016
i got this when i run "An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Drawing.dllAdditional information: Parameter is not valid."how to solve?Anonymous
August 04, 2016
Thanks for Sharing the knowledge... will it be possible using cpp code ??if yes, can you please help me in thatthanks in advance