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Excellent Web Cast on the Identity Management Solution Series

The Microsoft Identity and Access Management Solution Series is a set of prescriptive guidance, code samples, and architecture references that guide customers on building real life Identity Management solutions.  This web cast will cover the upcoming release on Provisioning and Workflow as well as a roadmap. 

I have tested this solution myself and it is quite impressive.  It shows SAP provisioning, a group management portal, and a simple workflow app for approving and provisioning contractor accounts.  Link to web cast on 9/14 here.  I would assume it will be available after 9/14 in a recording.


"As organizations grow, they tend to accumulate multiple systems and standards for storing and using digital identities. These systems can include directory services, human resource databases, financial systems, custom applications, and Web sites. This session focuses on the most recent prescriptive guidance in the Microsoft Identity and Access Management Solution Series (I&AM Solution Series) for Password Management, Self-service Provisioning GUI, and the Administrative Group Management tool. The session will also offer a sneak peak at the roadmap for the I&AM Solution Series and the team's current activities."