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Accenture’s ‘Green IT – Beyond the Data Centre’


Accenture, one of Microsoft’s top partners, has long distinguished itself in Business Process Re-engineering as a foundation to IT innovation and with that expertise have been a leading proponent of Service Oriented Architectures.  So it is not surprising to see Accenture leading the way with a ‘Green IT’ message that goes far beyond the basics of saving a bit of electricity. Their ‘holistic’ perspective is laid out very effectively in their crisp whitepaper ‘Green IT – Beyond the Data Centre’.

“Think how pervasive IT's influence across the organization has become. Today, IT can shape and ultimately determine where and how people work, how much they travel, and how they behave when they get there. All of which translates not only into how much energy they consume, but also how much other costly resources they use ranging from paper to petroleum fuels. IT's impact can extend still further. The workplace environment, the procurement methodology and the sourcing supply chain are all within its sphere of influence. As are the automation and efficiency of the organization's compliance with environmental regulations such as WEEE and emissions.”

A great roadmap to Getting Greener with IT.