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New default bid strategy: Enhanced Cost Per Click (CPC)

From January 28th, 2019 the bid strategy for campaigns created via the Bing Ads API without a bid strategy will be defaulted to Enhanced CPC instead of Manual CPC. Enhanced CPC automatically increases your bid for searches that are more likely to result in new customers, and it reduces your bid when conversion probability is low. You remain in control of your overall bids but gain efficiency, save time, and lower the overall cost per acquisition. If you have previously depended on the previous default of Manual CPC and if you want to continue to use Manual CPC, you must update your code to explicitly set your new campaigns to Manual CPC by January 28th. Otherwise, new campaigns will be defaulted to Enhanced CPC.

Benefits include

  • Data-driven targeting:  Uses search data to predict which searches are more likely to result in new customers.
  • Automated adjustments: Increases or decreases your bid to optimize your ranking in the auction.
  • Lower costs: Improves your ROI by lowering the cost of conversions.
  • More conversions: Increases volume through better targeting.
  • Compatible with third-party bidding tools:  You still control your bids.

As always please feel free to provide feedback and ask questions in the Bing Ads API developer forum.