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The New York City IASA Chapter Membership

As some of you may know, in addition to working for Microsoft I also run the New York City chapter of the International Association of Software Architects (IASA). IASA is a vendor-neutral association of/for/by IT architects all over the world. The New York IASA chapter is one of the most successful IASA chapters in the United States.

We recently did a quick survey to see what companies were represented in our chapter membership. This is only a partial list of some of the larger companies. 

Bank of America, Bank of NY, BankLink, Bearingpoint, Berkshire Life, Bloomberg, Computer Automation, Christies, Chubb, CITI, Coach, Comcast, Credit-Suisse, City University of New York, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP , Dreyfus, Dunn & Bradstreet, GHI, HRA (NYC Gov), IBM, IEEE, ISO, Jet Blue, JPMorgan Chase, Kaplan, Kodak, Konica/Minolta, KPMG, Lehman, Marsh McLennan, McGraw Hill, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft, Moodys, Morgan Stanley, New School, New York Life, NYC Gov, NYC Department of Education, Oracle, Pearson, Pfizer, Prentice Hall, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Roche, Siemens, State Farm, Sunguard, TAL International, The Hartford Group, Tibco, Tiffany, Toysrus, UBS, UPS, and Weight Watchers.

It is a is pretty impressive list. We will be doing a more detailed survey later this year. Stat tuned.

Bill Zack