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Shhh….It’s my secret to Marketing

During Australia Partner Conference, I had many great conversations regarding my passion - Digital Marketing, one question that came up a lot was “how do I ensure I’m skilled up with the latest on digital marketing, once you have learnt something, along comes something new”. The key for me personally is reading blogs from thought leaders in the Marketing field, I connect with them on LinkedIn, follow them and read at least 1 blog each weekend with a coffee in hand.

One of those thought leaders I have been following for years is Melanie Unwin (McKinney) - B2B Marketing Consultant, Today she has released a great blog regarding her experience during Australia Partner Conference and What every B2B IT marketer must know post Microsoft's APC.

Her blog gives insight into key messages delivered at APC in the dedicated track on Modern Marketing, in the blog she covers;

  • Buyers are on their own journey
  • Content marketing is at the centre of all marketing
  • Personalise your marketing messages
  • Create an integrated sales and marketing engine
  • Be prepared to start again
  • Accept that everyone in your organisation is a marketer
  • Make sure you have an easy to action marketing plan

It’s a great read, and many of the sessions within this track at APC had external speakers who are also thought leaders in the Digital Marketing space, follow them on LinkedIn to help on your digital journey. 

If you missed out on APC and want access to all the presentations from the Marketing Track, Join our Microsoft Partner Yammer Group (Only available to Microsoft Partners)