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Blogs and RSS come to

Originally Created: 2004-07-10

MS just launched the Microsoft Community Blogs Portal, a searchable listing of blogs by Microsoft employees, categorized by product or technology topic. The project also makes it easier for pages across to publish lists of relevant blogs and posts from those blogs.

I just added this Blog to the Blogs Portal.

Read what the team responsible for this fantastic effort has to say. And Dave Winer has some good things to say about this too in this post:

“Tim Jarrett explains Microsoft's latest use of RSS and OPML. It's really deep, and really appreciated. I never thought I'd see the day when such a big company adopts community-developed technology, without screwing with it some way. And that Microsoft would be the one, well, that's incredible, but true. These guys are exceeding all expectations. Bravo!”

+1 - Bravo!