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Summer Campaign: Take an Architecture diving flight with the Microsoft Cloud Continuum

Summer is here and for the most of us this is the time to take that well-deserved rest and to stand back a little from the daily grind. It is also a time for some reflection, a time to think about the things that we would like to do during the next couple of months. For this very reason, I am putting some topics that might be of interest to you under the spotlight. Topics that allow you as architects to build great solutions once the summer months are gone and the pressure is back, impelling you to be even more effective in what you are doing.

How does it work? A short video introduces the topic. After that, you have the chance to learn more about the topic at hand depending on the time you have or want to spend on it: half an hour, half a day or a full day. That way you can explore the presentation content in accordance with your personal timetable.

The first topic at hand is about the Microsoft Cloud Continuum. Last March, Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft announced that “We are all in” when it comes to the cloud, meaning that for Microsoft, cloud is more than just Windows Azure. Microsoft is committed in leading the cloud story by having all its products being oriented towards that same vision effectively creating a whole spectrum of cloud solutions, aligned and integrated in one larger so called cloud continuum.

You can find the full story and appropriate resources here.

Enjoy the read!