Beta 4.5 - Getting Dynamic Suite Composition (DSC) to work
Over on the Virtual World blog my buddy Justin Zarb posted an awesome write-up on his latest adventures with Dynamic Suite Composition in the Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualization 4.5 beta. If you're doing any testing with this or are just curious about how it works, you owe it to yourself to check it out:
So it was late one weekend when I started to build my 4.5 test lab. The goal was to do it with every future technology we had. So I downloaded every beta I could possibly find..... Windows 2008 RC1 (x64 off course!), November SQL 2008 CTP, November Microsoft Application Virtualization.... and there were a few other bits also to add!
Anyway one delay lead to another and for the time being that's on hold but do expect the blog post on that environment and the gotcha's and resolutions I went through to get it up and working!
So I ended up quickly building a Windows 2003 with SQL 2005 SP2 and XP/Vista environment with the current client build and server
It was a really enjoyable experience, everything is up and running. I can do all the new cool features and they seem to be working well! So you should expect to see little nuggets starting to pop up!
One of the things that I was keen to get working was DSC. I wanted to see what plugin/addin I could nest into my Office 2007 suite! ......... I looked around my little office and laying on the corner of my desk in a dusty pile of CDs was a copy of TechSmiths Snagit product!
I went ahead and sequenced a fresh copy of Office 2007 on the new sequence.......
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J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer