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VB6 Migration Resources

Recently, quite a number of architects have asked me VB6 migration questions, so I thought it might be worthwhile to put together the following resource pointers for all of you that are embarking on VB6 upgrade projects:

  • VBRun remains the best resource centre for VB6 professionals
  • Upgrade resource site for VB6 developers
  • Patterns and Practices has just released this wonderful book on Upgrading VB6 applications to VB.NET and VB 2005 it provides some great architectural guidance in looking at the upgrade alternative options/approaches, processes, best practices, and proven techniques. Excellent distillation of experience from upgrade experts such as ArtinSoft.
  • There is a VB6 to VB.NET upgrade assessment tool that automatically analyses your VB6 application to determine what issues you need to address to be able to upgrade, it also provides information and guidance about how to address the issues, and metrics of your VB6 application as basis for costing/effort estimation.
  • VB Fusion provides you with guidance on using VB6 and VB.NET side by side

Happy migration!