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iPhone iLaunch - i was iThere (with the fake steve jobs?)


Ok, maybe I wasn't there quite as much some of  the others. I swung by the Union Square Apple store to witness the horrendousness that was today - the launch of the iPhone. There were people. And media. Everywhere. Some had camped out overnight. A line of humans looped around an entire block.


See the red on Stockton, O'Farrell and Powell - that's how the line went. Believe that.

DSCN1107    DSCN1112

I took several pictures, but this is my favoritest one :


The fake steve jobs wouldn't wear a t-shirt promoting his website, would he? I dunno. Either way, the picture had to be taken. Just in case.


Technorati tags: apple, apple store sf, apple store, iphone, iphone launch, iphone launch sf, union square, san francisco, fake steve jobs
