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Some Multi-threaded terminal server applications crashes in Win 2008 R2

In Win2008 R2 some Multi-threaded terminal server application may crashes with access violation in the test eax, eax cpu instruction with following symptoms. This issue is very intermittent.


2. You may find following 2 threads,

  • Executing a test instruction and causing AV.
  • Trying to change the protection of exactly same code memory page which the first thread is causing access violation ( Not waiting ).
  • If DEP for the process is turned off application is working fine.

Following are the analysis details,

The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.

(428.b50): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)

eax=00000000 ebx=7740f85c ecx=74e92dd9 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=00000001

eip=741c17cd esp=0018a4dc ebp=0018a508 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc

cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010206


741c17cd 85c0 test eax,eax

0:000> k100

ChildEBP RetAddr

0018a508 741c678c mswsock!SockWaitForSingleObject+0x3a

0018a5f4 75f04a20 mswsock!WSPSelect+0x3a6

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for DvZediRimac002.dll -

0018a674 4b6f447d ws2_32!select+0x494

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

0018e598 4b6e5a80 ThirdParty!ThirdParty +0xac

0018e6ac 774bfd6e ThirdParty!ThirdParty +0x2fc

0018e698 00000000 ntdll!RtlpValidateHeap+0x20

0:000> !analyze -v


* *

* Exception Analysis *

* *


Debugger CompCtrlDb Connection::Open failed 80004005

Debugger CompCtrlDb Connection::Open failed 80004005

Debugger CompCtrlDb Connection::Open failed 80004005

Debugger Dbgportaldb Connection::Open failed 80040e4d

Database Dbgportaldb not connected



741c17cd 85c0 test eax,eax

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 741c17cd (mswsock!SockWaitForSingleObject+0x0000003a)

   ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

  ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

   Parameter[0]: 00000008

   Parameter[1]: 741c17cd

Attempt to execute non-executable address 741c17cd


ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s.



LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 741c678c to 741c17cd


0018a508 741c678c 0000025c 00000264 00000001 mswsock!SockWaitForSingleObject+0x3a

0018a5f4 75f04a20 00000000 0018a6a0 00000000 mswsock!WSPSelect+0x3a6

0018a674 4b6f447d 00000000 0018a6a0 00000000 ws2_32!select+0x494

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

0018e598 4b6e5a80 0018e6fc 00000200 00000001 ThirdParty!ThirdParty +0xac

0018e6ac 774bfd6e 00000000 00000044 00310150 ThirdParty!ThirdParty +0x2fc

0018e698 00000000 02c30ac8 23040027 0000000d ntdll!RtlpValidateHeap+0x20

STACK_COMMAND: ~0s; .ecxr ; kb






741c17cd 85c0 test eax,eax



MODULE_NAME: mswsock


SYMBOL_NAME: mswsock!SockWaitForSingleObject+3a

IMAGE_NAME: mswsock.dll

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: ACCESS_VIOLATION_mswsock!SockWaitForSingleObject+3a

BUCKET_ID: ACCESS_VIOLATION_mswsock!SockWaitForSingleObject+3a

Followup: wsstress


· The application is failing at

741c17cd 85c0 test eax,eax

due to access violation.

· I checked if any dll is tampered with

0:000> !for_each_module !chkimg @#ModuleName

found that the dll under question(mswsock) is not tampered.

  • Above instruction (test) don't access any memory location other than where EIP points.
  • So for the above instruction to generate an AV, the EIP should point to an address in a non executable page of memory.
  • Again from !address command we can see that this a code region and it is from a mapped dll which should ideally an executable page.

0:000> !address eip

 TEB 7efdd000 in range 7efdb000 7efde000

 TEB 7efda000 in range 7efd8000 7efdb000

 ProcessParametrs 003213f0 in range 00320000 0038f000

 Environment 00320810 in range 00320000 0038f000

    741c0000 : 741c1000 - 00001000

                  Type 01000000 MEM_IMAGE

                    Protect 00000004 PAGE_READWRITE

                    State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT

                    Usage RegionUsageImage

                    FullPath C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll

On further debugging I found the following as well, which should be true in at least some cases of execution.


Only two threads in the application,

Ø Executing the test instruction and causing AV.

Ø Trying to change the protection of exactly same code memory page which the first thread is causing access violation.

0:000> ~

. 0 Id: 428.b50 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7efdd000 Unfrozen

   1 Id: 428.900 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7efda000 Unfrozen

0:000> ~1s

eax=00000000 ebx=80000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=741c1098 edi=741c0000

eip=7740ffea esp=030afacc ebp=030afb08 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc

cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000202


7740ffea 83c404 add esp,4

0:001> k100

ChildEBP RetAddr

030afacc 7416aa2c ntdll!NtProtectVirtualMemory+0x12

030afb08 7416ac22 TSAPPCMP!TsRedirectRegisteredImage+0xcf

030afb58 7416af58 TSAPPCMP!TsWalkProcessDlls+0xf5

030afb8c 4b740f0c TSAPPCMP!TLoadLibraryA+0x3a

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

030afbe8 4b73f737 ThirdParty!ThirdParty +0x38a9

030afc84 774236fa ThirdParty!ThirdParty +0x20d4

030afd78 4b6b83c3 ntdll!RtlpFreeHeap+0xb7a

030afde0 774236fa ThirdParty!ThirdParty +0x9b

030afddc 50000063 ntdll!RtlpFreeHeap+0xb7a

030afec4 774236fa 0x50000063

030affd4 77429d45 ntdll!RtlpFreeHeap+0xb7a

030affec 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b

Looking at that stack based on following link and trying to sleuth the parameters, ( NtProtectVirtualMemory has FPO and is written in assembly so normal methods don't work )







  IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,

  IN OUT PVOID *BaseAddress,

  IN OUT PULONG NumberOfBytesToProtect,

  IN ULONG NewAccessProtection,

  OUT PULONG OldAccessProtection );


Picking up the function arguments from stack


0:001> dds esp

030afacc 7740ffea ntdll!NtProtectVirtualMemory+0x12

030afad0 7416aa2c TSAPPCMP!TsRedirectRegisteredImage+0xcf

030afad4 ffffffff

030afad8 030afafc

030afadc 030afb00

030afae0 00000004

030afae4 030afaf8

030afae8 774f020c ntdll!PebLdr+0xc

030afaec 0038af48

030afaf0 0038be08

030afaf4 00000004

030afaf8 00000020

030afafc 741c1098 mswsock!_imp__NtOpenKey

030afb00 00000004

030afb04 741c0000 mswsock!_imp__OutputDebugStringA <PERF> (mswsock+0x0)

030afb08 030afb58

030afb0c 7416ac22 TSAPPCMP!TsWalkProcessDlls+0xf5

030afb10 741e4818 mswsock!DNSAPI_NULL_THUNK_DATA_DLB+0x8

030afb14 00000000

030afb18 00000001

030afb1c 3c144767

030afb20 00000000

030afb24 4b7a203c DvZediRimac002!CWatchedProxyObj::`vftable'+0x30280

030afb28 00000000

030afb2c 001a0018

030afb30 74162684 TSAPPCMP!`string'

030afb34 030afb54

030afb38 741c00d8 mswsock!_imp__OutputDebugStringA <PERF> (mswsock+0xd8)

030afb3c 0038be08

030afb40 030afb1c

030afb44 00000000

030afb48 030afb7c

Unassembleing the call to NtProtectVirtualMemory.

0:001> ub 7416aa2c L10

TSAPPCMP!TsRedirectRegisteredImage+0xaa [d:\w7rtm\termsrv\tsappcmp\register.c @ 1368]:

7416aa07 59 pop ecx

7416aa08 59 pop ecx

7416aa09 e9c2000000 jmp TSAPPCMP!TsRedirectRegisteredImage+0x173 (7416aad0)

7416aa0e 6a04 push 4

7416aa10 58 pop eax

7416aa11 8d4df0 lea ecx,[ebp-10h]

7416aa14 51 push ecx

7416aa15 50 push eax

7416aa16 8945f8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],eax

7416aa19 8d45f8 lea eax,[ebp-8]

7416aa1c 50 push eax

7416aa1d 8d45f4 lea eax,[ebp-0Ch]

7416aa20 50 push eax

7416aa21 6aff push 0FFFFFFFFh

7416aa23 8975f4 mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],esi

7416aa26 ff151c131674 call dword ptr [TSAPPCMP!_imp__NtProtectVirtualMemory (7416131c)]


What address is trying to change the protection.

0:001> dc 030afafc

030afafc 741c1098 00000004 741c0000 030afb58 ...t.......tX...

030afb0c 7416ac22 741e4818 00000000 00000001 "..t.H.t........

030afb1c 3c144767 00000000 4b7a203c 00000000 gG.<....< zK....

030afb2c 001a0018 74162684 030afb54 741c00d8 .....&.tT......t

030afb3c 0038be08 030afb1c 00000000 030afb7c ..8.........|...

030afb4c 7416e80a 4b084bdf 00000000 030afb8c ...t.K.K........

030afb5c 7416af58 3c1447b3 00000000 4b7a203c X..t.G.<....< zK

030afb6c 00000000 611a0000 030afb60 7499fa2e .......a`......t



Location being changed by NtProtectVirtualMemory.


0:001> !address 741c1098

TEB 7efdd000 in range 7efdb000 7efde000

TEB 7efda000 in range 7efd8000 7efdb000

ProcessParametrs 003213f0 in range 00320000 0038f000

Environment 00320810 in range 00320000 0038f000

    741c0000 : 741c1000 - 00001000

                    Type 01000000 MEM_IMAGE

                    Protect 00000004 PAGE_READWRITE

                    State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT

                    Usage RegionUsageImage

                    FullPath C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll


Failing EIP in the other thread.


0:001> !address 741c17cd

TEB 7efdd000 in range 7efdb000 7efde000

TEB 7efda000 in range 7efd8000 7efdb000

ProcessParametrs 003213f0 in range 00320000 0038f000

Environment 00320810 in range 00320000 0038f000

    741c0000 : 741c1000 - 00001000

                    Type 01000000 MEM_IMAGE

                    Protect 00000004 PAGE_READWRITE

                    State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT

                    Usage RegionUsageImage

                    FullPath C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll


This is an issue in TSAPPCMP.dll

Until the fix is release if you happen to run in to this issue following is the solution.

Set the following registry value:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]

