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Interesting Links 23 April 2012

dipostI’ve been in Redmond WA at Microsoft’s headquarters since last Friday for the US Finals of the Imagine Cup. The picture on the left is me with team Digital Infinity, the one high school team competing with university students. (You can still vote for them in the People’s Choice voting until May 15th. besides on Facebook you can vote by texting Digital to 45444) I’ve very excited to announce that Digital Infinity is one of the teams that made it to the very final round today. I’m really excited for them. BTW there is a special prize for the team that gets the most people’s choice votes today. Hint Hint

It’s been a great weekend talking with students and faculty as well as a bunch of Microsoft people I work with but don’t see in person as often as I’d like. Later today (or first thing tomorrow) I’ll post the results of the competition.

We are doing a live simulcast of the Showcase and Closing Ceremony today. Spread the word to your friends, family and co-eds so they can watch and cheer you on from home! Here is the link to watch through Facebook.

But for now it is link sharing time.

Lee Stott @lee_stott posted about a new set of Kinect for Windows curriculum resources for educators. Looks like fun.

IF I haven’t convinced you to attend the CSIT Symposium this summer than maybe Doug Peterson can.

Microsoft New England @MSNewEngland Just updated their career listings. They have 20 openings posted across PM, Developers and Testers. You may want to have students look at these listings to see what sort of jobs are available these days.

Check out my favorite students from Springbrook high school on @WUSA9 Cool Schools segment.

Recognizing Teachers Who Recruit Women and Girls into STEM. Did you miss this post? Please share it with teachers who are working to improve diversity in STEM fields.

Learn more about the trailblazing educators selected to attend US PIL. A lot of great computer science teachers/projects coming this year.

TechNet Radio: VP Mark Hindsbo talks on Microsoft's Student Tech Competition –the Imagine Cup 2012

 New version of Kodu – solved a number of problems but also added several new languages to support.

Announcing the Windows 8 Editions Read what is coming at the Windows 8 blog.