Updated FAQ for EF4
The information in this post is out of date.
Visit msdn.com/data/ef for the latest information on current and past releases of EF.
Every week we see a ton of great questions posted on the EF Forums, the best of which we’ve noted and tried to cover in the new EF FAQ. This site is based on the EF FAQ Codeplex project, and has been updated with lots of great EF4 content. We really want this to be a valuable resource that the community can use and also contribute to. If you see something missing please go ahead and add it!
For more info on the FAQ please check out Danny’s post.
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January 08, 2011
Thanks for the update guys! I am reading the ObjectContext FAQ - www.ef-faq.org/objectcontext.html. Could you guys please update the FAQ to deal with ASP.NET ObjecctContext lifecycle issues. Specifically, is one ObjectContext per HttpRequest recommended? dotnetslackers.com/.../PrintArticle.aspx