Entity Framework June CTP Documentation
The Visual Web Developer Express Edition only limitation in theEntity Framework June CTP means that WinForms examples in the Entity Framework June CTP Documentation, such as the examples in QuickStart, Getting Started, and Samples, topics can only be compiled from the command line.
Please see the announcement: https://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2007/07/02/ado-net-entity-framework-june-2007-ctp-now-available.aspx for full details on this limitation.
There are three help files shipped with this CTP:
Because the documentation for the Entity Framework June CTP is delivered using .chm-based help files, links between each of the three help files and between other .NET Framework reference topics appear bold instead of as links. Bolded class and member names in the conceptual topics can be found in the index of the Entity Framework reference help (wd_entityMREF.chm). Bolded topic titles in the reference help refer to topics in the conceptual help topics(wd_entityFramework.chm and wd_entitytools.chm) that can be found in the table of contents or by using search.
Integrated documentation feedback is not available for this June CTP. Please post any documentation issues or questions on the ADO.NET Orcas forums (https://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=533&SiteID=1).
July 05, 2007
Just to clarify, we are working to provide an improved documentation experience in upcoming releases. This will include integrating Entity Framework help with the full MSDN Library and re-enabling documentation feedback. Thanks, Glenn Gailey Data Platform User EducationAnonymous
July 05, 2007
Could you guys please provide a direct downloadable link to the documentation?Anonymous
August 02, 2007
When will EF for VS2008 beta 2 be available? Thanks, Benjamin ChiAnonymous
August 06, 2007
I, too, am interested on the projected availability of a CTP compatible with Orcas Beta 2.