Entity Designer CTP2
You asked and we listened. The Dec 2007 CTP of the Entity Designer is available here and works over Visual Studio 2008 RTM and the Entity Framework runtime beta 3. We have enhanced the designer to enable several new scenarios and fixed a slew of bugs since our August 2007 CTP.
Here’s a brief summary:
• Map using stored procedures: you can now map entities to insert/update/delete stored procedures in the mapping details window in the designer
• FunctionImports: Create, update and delete FunctionImports in your model
• “Update Model From Database…”: update model and mappings if tables or columns in the database change. Very useful during iterative development when the database changes after you initially generate the model & mappings
• Embed artifacts in output assembly: package CSDL/MSL/SSDL files as resources in the output assembly. This makes it easy to deploy projects with Entity Data Models
• Easier to find and fix errors: Double-click a validation error selects the offending entity, property or association to make it easy to fix errors
• Cut/copy/paste: Cut/copy/paste entities and properties
• Abstract entity types: Create and map abstract entity types in your model
• Support for more properties: Concurrency control for properties and documentation nodes for entities, properties, etc
• MSBUILD integration: new EntityDeploy MSBUILD task that replaces the erstwhile EdmxDeploy.exe command line tool
• Connection Management: Automatic Entity Connection string management in App/Web.config when .edmx file is moved/renamed in Solution Explorer
• Easier Navigation: Navigate to nodes in the model browser from entities and properties on the designer surface
• Enable MARS by default: Wizard sets MultipleActiveResultSets to "true" in Entity Connection string when connecting to SQL 2005
• Usability: Numerous changes based on UI/usability feedback
• Supported editions of Visual Studio 2008 RTM: Standard, Professional, Team Edition, and Express editions (C#, VB and Visual Web Developer)
Sanjay Nagamangalam
Program Manager, ADO.NET Tools
December 06, 2007
I have posted this already at http://blogs.msdn.com/esql/archive/2007/12/06/EntityFramework_5F00_Beta3.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage but really love for this feature to make it into the final build. One thing that is missing from both linq to sql and the entity framework that i can see is the ability to generate the context in one assembly and the entities in another. When doing WCF not everyone uses svcutil.exe. Sometimes it is best to use the entities directly because you already have done all the INotifyPropertyChanged, etc. implementations for us which works great when doing WPF and winforms. If we use svcutil these are gone. If one is designing an api library and exposing the entities to the api user then the context is available and dangerous. This should work just like the TableAdapters and Datasets in the data set designer.Anonymous
December 06, 2007
Entity Framework Beta 3 and Entity Designer CTP 2 Released ! The ADO.NET team blog just announced aboutAnonymous
December 06, 2007
Entity Framework Beta 3 is available along with a new Entity Designer (CTP 2) is out as well. These are...Anonymous
December 06, 2007
こんにちは、こだかです。 タイトルどおりなのですが、ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta 3 がリリースされました。 ( http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2007/12/05/ado-net-entity-framework-beta-3-rleased.aspxAnonymous
December 06, 2007
Data Platform ADO.NET team blog ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta 3 Released! Download details: ADO.NET EntityAnonymous
December 06, 2007
La beta 3 de l' ADO.Net Entity Framework pour Visual Studio 2008 RTM , et la CTP de Décembre des EntityAnonymous
December 06, 2007
Data Platform ADO.NET team blog ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta 3 Released! Download details: ADO.NET EntityAnonymous
December 07, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 07, 2007
From the Entity Designer Tools CTP2 readme: 2.1.4 Installing the 32-bit version of the Entity Framework Tools on 64-bit operating systems is not supported To resolve this issue: No workaround is available. ADO.NET team, it can't be too difficult to get a 64-bit friendly (either native or WoW supported) install out so please let's do this ASAP to support the many of us who have switched over to Vista x64.Anonymous
December 07, 2007
Apparently the EF Tools CTP2 does install and function properly on Vista 64-bit (under WoW). It seems to be working on my system. Perhaps the readme should be updated to reflect this fact.Anonymous
December 07, 2007
I tried to install CTP2 in my PC and this error appear: Package Load Failure: Package 'Microsoft.data.Entity.Design.Package.Microsoft.DataEntityDesignPackage, Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' has failed to load property (GUID={8889e051-b7f9-4781-bb3-2a36a9bdb3a5}.... I've read that this problem appears when VS2005 is installed in the computer... is this true? Is there any solution to this problem? Greetings and great work!!! Agustín Mariano CatellaniAnonymous
December 07, 2007
ADO.Net Entity Framework Entity Designer - Update Model From Database In CTP 1 of the ADO.Net EntityAnonymous
December 10, 2007
Lots to catch up on. ASP.NET 3.5/AJAX/MVC It's out! ScottGu details the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions CTPAnonymous
December 11, 2007
Lots of confusion over linq's EndsWith and spaces. Covered briefly in the docs, but not well explained. The two most confusing cases: Database Field Name: 'bob ' < -- space after ... where s.Name.EndsWith('b ') select s; // includes space Results Returned: 0 Database Field Name: 'bob' < -- no space ... where s.Name.EndsWith(' ') select s; // single space Results Returned: 1 ??? More details here: http://www.primedigit.com/2007/12/11/linq-endswith/Anonymous
December 18, 2007
Hi!!! i think i've found the problem because i couldn't start ED earlier. The problem solve itself installing .NET Framework v3.5 again, but the full installer download from download.microsoft.com, not the installer embedded in VS2008 Express. Hope it helps. Now yes, let's try this beauty!!! AgustínAnonymous
December 27, 2007
Bom dia! Recentemente eu gravei um webcast sobre o Entity Framework e no final da sessão houve um painelAnonymous
December 28, 2007
If you are interested in the Entity Framework like I am you will not find the installation process veryAnonymous
January 28, 2008
今天逛了一下ADO.NETEntityFramework团队的Blog,我对这个项目比较感兴趣,因为我也是写ORM的。:)当然了,那档次不是一个级别的。 这个项目我都不知道放了多少次鸽子了,我...Anonymous
January 31, 2008
This post is part of a small series on .NET ORM tools. You can find the rest of them here . While I wasAnonymous
February 02, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 10, 2008
Hi, I want to know if the designer support mapping to more than one database ! I think that feature is very important .Anonymous
June 20, 2008
Installing the Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2008 RTMAnonymous
June 20, 2008
Installing the Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2008 RTMAnonymous
June 20, 2008
Installing the Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2008 RTMAnonymous
June 20, 2008
Installing the Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2008 RTMAnonymous
July 03, 2008
to work on 64 bits, uninstall framework 3.5 sp1 beta, reinstall framework 3.5, and it works !Anonymous
July 19, 2009
La beta 3 de l' ADO.Net Entity Framework pour Visual Studio 2008 RTM , et la CTP de Décembre des Entity