Pipeline RUn Failure : Unable to "publish all" after updating my linked ressource (Sharepoint) client secret

Meriem Ben 0 Points de réputation

I’m not an Azure expert and could really use your guidance on this issue.

For the past couple of days, a set of pipeline runs has been failing, with the error message indicating that the client secret (for SharePoint Online) has expired. I’ve updated it in the linked resources section with a new one and tested the connection, which seemed to work fine.

From my understanding, I need to publish this change, but the "Publish All" button is disabled. Despite being an admin, I’m still unable to publish. I have clicked on validate all, but still nothing's changed.. I tried to rerun the pipelines withtout the publishing, the same error of an expired client secret re appeared.

Any one can help me to resolve this?

Many thanks in advance!

Plateforme et infrastructure de cloud computing pour la génération, le déploiement et la gestion d’applications et de services à travers un réseau mondial de centres de données gérés par Microsoft.
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