Mistral Small Azure Deployment Issue

Eliott ECCIDIO 0 Points de réputation


I have been trying to use the Mistral Small that I have deployed on Azure AI foundry. So I wanted to try to call it with a simple python script :

import os 
from azure.ai.inference import ChatCompletionsClient 
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential 
from azure.ai.inference.models import SystemMessage, UserMessage 
from src.utils import load_api_keys 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
  endpoint_url = os.environ["AZUREAI_ENDPOINT_URL"] 
  endpoint_key = os.environ["AZUREAI_ENDPOINT_KEY"] 
  print(f"Endpoint URL : {endpoint_url}") 
  print(f"Endpoint KEY : {endpoint_key}") 
  client = ChatCompletionsClient( 
  print(f"Created client of type `{type(client).__name__}

Unfortunately, I have the error : enter image description here I have the error, while using the URL & Key given on the second joint picture: enter image description here

If you have any clues on what I have done wrong you're more than welcome to share your opinion !

Thanks !

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