Can't install Remote Desktop Client for user profile on certain computers

Damiano Visa 0 Points de réputation


I work in the IT department of a company, and have to install Azure Remote Desktop Client on employees computers, not the one you get from the Microsoft store. For some reason, on some computers, when i am logged in to their profile and do the installation, i get the choice of installing the application for the users profile only, OR for the whole system which requires administrative permissions, which i have. However, on some other computers, i don't get the choice and need admin permission right away to install.

I'll differenciate the 2 installation situations here:

User profile option:

At the start, a page where you must agree to the privacy policy, and after you are provided with two installation options: user profile or system install. Once you click on the system install, an admin icon appears on the next button, but you are free to proceed without admin rights if you choose user installation.

No user profile option:

No privacy policy agreement page, next button immediatly requires administrative rights to continue with no other option. Once you give the rights, it installs on the whole system.

What i have tested to troubleshoot is i have logged in with the same user profile on 2 different computers, where i installed Remote Desktop while having admin rights and without, and in both cases, 1 computer always gave the 2 installation options and the other only had 1 option, which is the system install option.

I would like to know if anyone has had this same situation and what i can do to fix this. I cannot always login to users computers to do an update for them.


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