Procédure pas à pas : Application de bureau API Bing Ads en C#
Cet exemple d’application console C# demande le consentement de l’utilisateur via les informations d’identification que vous fournissez, puis obtient les comptes auxquels l’utilisateur authentifié peut accéder.
Vous devez d’abord inscrire une application et prendre note de l’ID client (ID d’application inscrit). Pour plus d’informations sur l’inscription d’une application et le flux d’octroi du code d’autorisation, consultez Authentification avec OAuth.
Vous aurez également besoin de votre jeton de développeur de production. Vous pouvez créer l’exemple étape par étape comme décrit ci-dessous ou télécharger d’autres exemples à partir de GitHub.
Procédure pas à pas du code
Ouvrez l’environnement de développement Visual Studio .
Créer un projet via Fichier ->Nouveau ->Projet
Dans la fenêtre Nouveau projet, choisissez .NET Framework 4.8 dans la liste déroulante, puis cliquez sur le modèle Application console (.NET Framework). Nommez le projet BingAdsConsoleApp et cliquez sur OK.
Installez le Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) via NuGet pour BingAdsConsoleApp. Pour plus d’informations sur les dépendances, consultez Installer le Kit de développement logiciel (SDK). Cliquez sur Outils ->Gestionnaire de package NuGet ->Console du Gestionnaire de package. À l’invite, tapez ces commandes pour installer les packages un par un :
Install-Package Microsoft.BingAds.SDK
etInstall-Package System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager
.Ouvrez le fichier App.config et remplacez son contenu par le bloc de code suivant. Modifiez BingAdsEnvironment pour passer du bac à sable à la production. Si vous ciblez l’environnement de production, vous devez remplacer 4c0b021c-00c3-4508-838f-d3127e8167ff par l’ID d’application qui a été provisionné lors de l’inscription de votre application de production et remplacer BBD37VB98 par votre jeton de développeur de production.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" > <section name="BingAdsConsoleApp.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" /> </sectionGroup> </configSections> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1" /> </startup> <appSettings> <!-- To use the production environment, set this value to "Production". --> <add key="BingAdsEnvironment" value="Sandbox"/> <add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value=""/> </appSettings> <userSettings> <BingAdsConsoleApp.Properties.Settings> <setting name="DeveloperToken" serializeAs="String"> <value>BBD37VB98</value> </setting> <setting name="ClientId" serializeAs="String"> <value>4c0b021c-00c3-4508-838f-d3127e8167ff</value> </setting> </BingAdsConsoleApp.Properties.Settings> </userSettings> </configuration>
Créez un fichier de paramètres. Dans l’affichage projet pour BingAdsConsoleApp, cliquez avec le bouton droit sur Propriétés , puis cliquez sur Ouvrir. Cliquez sur Paramètres, puis sur le texte Le projet ne contient pas de fichier de paramètres par défaut. Cliquez ici pour en créer un. Les nouvelles valeurs de app.config sont automatiquement ajoutées.
Ouvrez le fichier Program.cs et remplacez son contenu par le bloc de code suivant.
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Configuration; using System.Net.Http; using System.ServiceModel; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.BingAds; using Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement; using BingAdsConsoleApp.Properties; using System.IO; namespace BingAdsConsoleApp { class Program { private static AuthorizationData _authorizationData; private static ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService> _customerManagementService; private static string ClientState = "ClientStateGoesHere"; static void Main(string[] args) { try { Authentication authentication = AuthenticateWithOAuth(); // Most Bing Ads API service operations require account and customer ID. // This utiltiy operation sets the global authorization data instance // to the first account that the current authenticated user can access. SetAuthorizationDataAsync(authentication).Wait(); // You can extend the console app with the examples library at: // } // Catch authentication exceptions catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("OAuthTokenRequestException Message:\n{0}", ex.Message)); if (ex.Details != null) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("OAuthTokenRequestException Details:\nError: {0}\nDescription: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description)); } } // Catch Customer Management service exceptions catch (FaultException<AdApiFaultDetail> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => { if ((error.Code == 105) || (error.Code == 106)) { return "Authorization data is missing or incomplete for the specified environment.\n" + "To run the examples switch users or contact support for help with the following error.\n"; } return string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message); }))); OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement.ApiFault> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { OutputStatusMessage(ex.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Utility method for setting the customer and account identifiers within the global /// <see cref="_authorizationData"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="authentication">The OAuth authentication credentials.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static async Task SetAuthorizationDataAsync(Authentication authentication) { _authorizationData = new AuthorizationData { Authentication = authentication, DeveloperToken = Settings.Default["DeveloperToken"].ToString() }; var apiEnvironment = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BingAdsEnvironment"] == ApiEnvironment.Sandbox.ToString() ? ApiEnvironment.Sandbox : ApiEnvironment.Production; _customerManagementService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>( _authorizationData, apiEnvironment ); var getUserRequest = new GetUserRequest { UserId = null }; var getUserResponse = (await _customerManagementService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.GetUserAsync(r), getUserRequest)); var user = getUserResponse.User; var predicate = new Predicate { Field = "UserId", Operator = PredicateOperator.Equals, Value = user.Id.ToString() }; var paging = new Paging { Index = 0, Size = 10 }; var searchAccountsRequest = new SearchAccountsRequest { Ordering = null, PageInfo = paging, Predicates = new[] { predicate } }; var searchAccountsResponse = (await _customerManagementService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.SearchAccountsAsync(r), searchAccountsRequest)); var accounts = searchAccountsResponse.Accounts.ToArray(); if (accounts.Length <= 0) return; _authorizationData.AccountId = (long)accounts[0].Id; _authorizationData.CustomerId = (int)accounts[0].ParentCustomerId; OutputArrayOfAdvertiserAccount(accounts); return; } /// <summary> /// Authenticates the current user via OAuth. /// </summary> /// <returns>The OAuth authentication instance for a user.</returns> private static Authentication AuthenticateWithOAuth() { var apiEnvironment = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BingAdsEnvironment"] == ApiEnvironment.Sandbox.ToString() ? ApiEnvironment.Sandbox : ApiEnvironment.Production; var oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant = new OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant( Settings.Default["ClientId"].ToString(), apiEnvironment ); // It is recommended that you specify a non guessable 'state' request parameter to help prevent // cross site request forgery (CSRF). oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.State = ClientState; string refreshToken; // If you have previously securely stored a refresh token, try to use it. if (GetRefreshToken(out refreshToken)) { AuthorizeWithRefreshTokenAsync(oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant, refreshToken).Wait(); } else { // You must request user consent at least once through a web browser control. Console.WriteLine(string.Format( "Open a new web browser and navigate to {0}\n\n" + "Grant consent in the web browser for the application to access " + "your advertising accounts, and then enter the response URI that includes " + "the authorization 'code' parameter: \n", oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.GetAuthorizationEndpoint()) ); // Request access and refresh tokens using the URI that you provided manually during program execution. var responseUri = new Uri(Console.ReadLine()); if (oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.State != ClientState) throw new HttpRequestException("The OAuth response state does not match the client request state."); oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.RequestAccessAndRefreshTokensAsync(responseUri).Wait(); SaveRefreshToken(oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.OAuthTokens.RefreshToken); } // It is important to save the most recent refresh token whenever new OAuth tokens are received. // You will want to subscribe to the NewOAuthTokensReceived event handler. // When calling Bing Ads API service operations with ServiceClient<TService>, BulkServiceManager, or ReportingServiceManager, // each instance will refresh your access token automatically if they detect the AuthenticationTokenExpired (109) error code. oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.NewOAuthTokensReceived += (sender, tokens) => SaveRefreshToken(tokens.NewRefreshToken); return oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant; } /// <summary> /// Requests new access and refresh tokens given an existing refresh token. /// </summary> /// <param name="authentication">The OAuth authentication instance for a user.</param> /// <param name="refreshToken">The previous refresh token.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Task<OAuthTokens> AuthorizeWithRefreshTokenAsync( OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant authentication, string refreshToken) { return authentication.RequestAccessAndRefreshTokensAsync(refreshToken); } /// <summary> /// You should modify the example, and store the refresh token securely. /// </summary> /// <param name="newRefreshtoken">The refresh token to save.</param> private static void SaveRefreshToken(string newRefreshtoken) { if (newRefreshtoken != null) { using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter( Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\refreshtoken.txt", false)) { outputFile.WriteLine(newRefreshtoken); } } } /// <summary> /// Returns the prior refresh token if available. /// </summary> /// <param name="refreshToken"></param> /// <returns>The latest stored refresh token.</returns> private static bool GetRefreshToken(out string refreshToken) { var filePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\refreshtoken.txt"; if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { refreshToken = null; return false; } String fileContents; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath)) { fileContents = sr.ReadToEnd(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContents)) { refreshToken = null; return false; } try { refreshToken = fileContents; return true; } catch (FormatException) { refreshToken = null; return false; } } #region OutputHelpers /** * You can extend the console app with the example helpers at: * **/ private static void OutputArrayOfAdvertiserAccount(IList<AdvertiserAccount> dataObjects) { if (null != dataObjects) { foreach (var dataObject in dataObjects) { OutputAdvertiserAccount(dataObject); OutputStatusMessage("\n"); } } } private static void OutputAdvertiserAccount(AdvertiserAccount dataObject) { if (null != dataObject) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("BillToCustomerId: {0}", dataObject.BillToCustomerId)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("CurrencyCode: {0}", dataObject.CurrencyCode)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("AccountFinancialStatus: {0}", dataObject.AccountFinancialStatus)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Id: {0}", dataObject.Id)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Language: {0}", dataObject.Language)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("LastModifiedByUserId: {0}", dataObject.LastModifiedByUserId)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("LastModifiedTime: {0}", dataObject.LastModifiedTime)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Name: {0}", dataObject.Name)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Number: {0}", dataObject.Number)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("ParentCustomerId: {0}", dataObject.ParentCustomerId)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("PaymentMethodId: {0}", dataObject.PaymentMethodId)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("PaymentMethodType: {0}", dataObject.PaymentMethodType)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("PrimaryUserId: {0}", dataObject.PrimaryUserId)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("AccountLifeCycleStatus: {0}", dataObject.AccountLifeCycleStatus)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("TimeStamp: {0}", dataObject.TimeStamp)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("TimeZone: {0}", dataObject.TimeZone)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("PauseReason: {0}", dataObject.PauseReason)); OutputArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring(dataObject.ForwardCompatibilityMap); OutputArrayOfCustomerInfo(dataObject.LinkedAgencies); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("SalesHouseCustomerId: {0}", dataObject.SalesHouseCustomerId)); OutputArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring(dataObject.TaxInformation); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("BackUpPaymentInstrumentId: {0}", dataObject.BackUpPaymentInstrumentId)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("BillingThresholdAmount: {0}", dataObject.BillingThresholdAmount)); OutputAddress(dataObject.BusinessAddress); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("AutoTagType: {0}", dataObject.AutoTagType)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("SoldToPaymentInstrumentId: {0}", dataObject.SoldToPaymentInstrumentId)); } } private static void OutputAddress(Address dataObject) { if (null != dataObject) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("City: {0}", dataObject.City)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("CountryCode: {0}", dataObject.CountryCode)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Id: {0}", dataObject.Id)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Line1: {0}", dataObject.Line1)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Line2: {0}", dataObject.Line2)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Line3: {0}", dataObject.Line3)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Line4: {0}", dataObject.Line4)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("PostalCode: {0}", dataObject.PostalCode)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("StateOrProvince: {0}", dataObject.StateOrProvince)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("TimeStamp: {0}", dataObject.TimeStamp)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("BusinessName: {0}", dataObject.BusinessName)); } } private static void OutputArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring(IList<KeyValuePair<string, string>> dataObjects) { if (null != dataObjects) { foreach (var dataObject in dataObjects) { OutputKeyValuePairOfstringstring(dataObject); } } } private static void OutputKeyValuePairOfstringstring(KeyValuePair<string, string> dataObject) { if (null != dataObject.Key) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("key: {0}", dataObject.Key)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("value: {0}", dataObject.Value)); } } private static void OutputCustomerInfo(CustomerInfo dataObject) { if (null != dataObject) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Id: {0}", dataObject.Id)); OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Name: {0}", dataObject.Name)); } } private static void OutputArrayOfCustomerInfo(IList<CustomerInfo> dataObjects) { if (null != dataObjects) { foreach (var dataObject in dataObjects) { OutputCustomerInfo(dataObject); OutputStatusMessage("\n"); } } } private static void OutputStatusMessage(String msg) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } #endregion OutputHelpers } }
Cliquez sur Générer ->Générer BingAdsConsoleApp, puis exécutez l’application. Lorsque vous démarrez l’application, vous êtes invité par défaut à fournir les informations d’identification du compte Microsoft à authentifier en production.
Configuration du bac à sable
Pour utiliser le bac à sable, définissez la clé BingAdsEnvironment sur Bac à sable dans le <nœud appSettings> du fichier App.config de la racine de votre projet.
<add key="BingAdsEnvironment" value ="Sandbox"/>
Vous pouvez également définir l’environnement pour chaque ServiceClient individuellement comme suit.
_customerManagementService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(
Que vous définissiez l’environnement ServiceClient globalement ou individuellement, vous devez également définir l’environnement OAuth sur bac à sable.
var oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant = new OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant(
Voir aussi
Bac à sable
Exemples de code de l’API Bing Ads
Adresses du service web de l’API Bing Ads