How to create an identity validation request for an european organization? validation is done for US/Canada only!

Marc Darra 0 Points de réputation

I would like to sign our company's binaries with Microsoft Azure Trusted Signing service and therefore have to fill the identity validation request form for our organization.

Our organization is a Swiss company, located in Switzerland.

Here, in Switzerland, we use a different business identifier, not compatible with the validation done on the “Business identifier” field of the form, which is made for US.

I selected the correct country, region and postal code, so I would have thought that this form would accept inputs for European companies.

I also changed all Azure's interface language to French (Switzerland) but this has no effect. I really think that the form has been made for America/Canada, without thinking for abroad companies.

I can only choose between “Duns Number”, “Tax Id” or “Registered Business Number” .

None of these choices is compatible with the Swiss commercial register number, which is, in our case, CH-

Does it mean that Azure Trusted Signing is only reserved to America?

Has anybody got an idea how to fill this form or to do the identity request by another way?

Thanks in advance for your inputs.

Plateforme et infrastructure de cloud computing pour la génération, le déploiement et la gestion d’applications et de services à travers un réseau mondial de centres de données gérés par Microsoft.
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  1. Marc Darra 0 Points de réputation

    Finally, I managed to solve the problem with the help of the Swiss register search engine: and the help of a documentation saying that one should put the country ISO code in 3 characters (CHE instead of CH) and remove the hyphens and dots.

    Example of problems and the solution using the “Tax Id” and not the “Duns Number”:

    • just 104.079.670 → fails ❌
    • 2 char country ISO code prefix CH-104.079.670 → fails ❌
    • 3 char country ISO code and the numbers only CHE104079670 → OK ✅
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