Specific authorization for application registration

Amani Sahli 11 Points de réputation

Dear Community,

When we assign a custom roles to a specific App Registration to one user, the user has the permission to all Microsoft Entra ID( Users, groups...).

How can we assign a permission only to a specific app registration.

PS: I set this option " Restrict access to Microsoft Entra administration portal" to yes.

thank you

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  1. Grégory EL BAJOURY 5 Points de réputation
    1. Use Built-in Roles:
      • Microsoft Entra ID provides built-in roles that can be assigned to app registrations. For example, the Application Administrator role allows managing app registrations without giving access to all users and groups.
      • To assign a built-in role to an app registration:
      1. Go to the Microsoft Entra admin portal (https://entra.microsoft.com/).
      2. Navigate to Identity > Roles and administrators.
      3. Select the role you want to assign (e.g., Application Administrator).
      4. Click on Add assignments and select the app registration to which you want to assign the role.
    2. Use Specific API Permissions:
      • You can also use specific API permissions to restrict permissions to an app registration.
      • To configure API permissions:
      1. Go to the Microsoft Entra admin portal.
      2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > App registrations.
      3. Select the app registration to which you want to assign permissions.
      4. Go to API permissions and click on Add a permission.
      5. Select Microsoft Graph and choose the necessary permissions (e.g., Application.ReadWrite.All).
      6. Click on Add permissions to save the changes.
    3. Restrict Access to the Microsoft Entra Administration Portal:
      • You mentioned that you set the option "Restrict access to Microsoft Entra administration portal" to "yes." This means only users with specific roles can access the administration portal. Ensure that the relevant users have the necessary roles to access the features they need.

    Example Configuration

    In the image you provided, you assigned the ReadAppReg role with the scope type Application to a specific user. This means that this user will have read permissions for app registrations, but only within the context of the specified application.

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