Sauvegarde et restauration de bases de données et de journaux de transactions
S’applique à : SQL Server
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure Synapse Analytics
Base de données SQL dans Microsoft Fabric
Dans SMO, la classe Backup et la classe Restore sont des classes utilitaires qui fournissent les outils permettant d'accomplir les tâches spécifiques de sauvegarde et restauration. Un Backup objet représente une tâche de sauvegarde spécifique requise au lieu d’un objet Microsoft SQL Server sur l’instance de serveur.
En cas de perte ou d'endommagement des données, la sauvegarde doit être restaurée, en totalité ou partiellement. La restauration partielle utilise la collection FileGroupCollection pour segmenter les données à restaurer. Si la sauvegarde concerne un journal des transactions, les données peuvent être restaurées jusqu'à un point particulier dans le temps à l'aide de la propriété ToPointInTime de l'objet Restore. Les données peuvent également être validées à l'aide de la méthode SqlVerify. La procédure de sauvegarde recommandée consiste à vérifier l'intégrité de la sauvegarde en effectuant une opération de restauration et en vérifiant régulièrement les données de la base de données.
Comme l’objet Backup , l’objet Restore n’a pas besoin d’être créé à l’aide d’une méthode Create , car il ne représente aucun objet sur l’instance de SQL Server. L'objet Restore est constitué des méthodes et propriétés utilisées pour restaurer une base de données.
Pour utiliser un exemple de code qui est fourni, vous devrez choisir l'environnement de programmation, le modèle de programmation et le langage de programmation dans lequel créer votre application. Pour plus d’informations, consultez Créer un projet SMO Visual C# dans Visual Studio .NET.
Sauvegarde des bases de données et des journaux des transactions en Visual Basic
Cet exemple de code montre comment sauvegarder une base de données existante dans un fichier, puis comment la restaurer.
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.MyServices
Module SMO_VBBackup3
Sub Main()
'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server
'Reference the AdventureWorks2022 database.
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks2022")
'Store the current recovery model in a variable.
Dim recoverymod As Integer
recoverymod = db.DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel
'Define a Backup object variable.
Dim bk As New Backup
'Specify the type of backup, the description, the name, and the database to be backed up.
bk.Action = BackupActionType.Database
bk.BackupSetDescription = "Full backup of AdventureWorks2022"
bk.BackupSetName = "AdventureWorks 2022 Backup"
bk.Database = "AdventureWorks2022"
'Declare a BackupDeviceItem by supplying the backup device file name in the constructor, and the type of device is a file.
Dim bdi As BackupDeviceItem
bdi = New BackupDeviceItem("Test_Full_Backup1", DeviceType.File)
'Add the device to the Backup object.
'Set the Incremental property to False to specify that this is a full database backup.
bk.Incremental = False
'Set the expiration date.
Dim backupdate As New Date
backupdate = New Date(2006, 10, 5)
bk.ExpirationDate = backupdate
'Specify that the log must be truncated after the backup is complete.
bk.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate
'Run SqlBackup to perform the full database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
'Inform the user that the backup has been completed.
Console.WriteLine("Full Backup complete.")
'Remove the backup device from the Backup object.
'Make a change to the database, in this case, add a table called test_table.
Dim t As Table
t = New Table(db, "test_table")
Dim c As Column
c = New Column(t, "col", DataType.Int)
'Create another file device for the differential backup and add the Backup object.
Dim bdid As BackupDeviceItem
bdid = New BackupDeviceItem("Test_Differential_Backup1", DeviceType.File)
'Add the device to the Backup object.
'Set the Incremental property to True for a differential backup.
bk.Incremental = True
'Run SqlBackup to perform the incremental database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
'Inform the user that the differential backup is complete.
Console.WriteLine("Differential Backup complete.")
'Remove the device from the Backup object.
'Delete the AdventureWorks2022 database before restoring it.
'Define a Restore object variable.
Dim rs As Restore
rs = New Restore
'Set the NoRecovery property to true, so the transactions are not recovered.
rs.NoRecovery = True
'Add the device that contains the full database backup to the Restore object.
'Specify the database name.
rs.Database = "AdventureWorks2022"
'Restore the full database backup with no recovery.
'Inform the user that the Full Database Restore is complete.
Console.WriteLine("Full Database Restore complete.")
'Remove the device from the Restore object.
'Set te NoRecovery property to False.
rs.NoRecovery = False
'Add the device that contains the differential backup to the Restore object.
'Restore the differential database backup with recovery.
'Inform the user that the differential database restore is complete.
Console.WriteLine("Differential Database Restore complete.")
'Remove the device.
'Set the database recovery model back to its original value.
srv.Databases("AdventureWorks2022").DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel = recoverymod
'Drop the table that was added.
'Remove the backup files from the hard disk.
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.12\MSSQL\Backup\Test_Full_Backup1")
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.12\MSSQL\Backup\Test_Differential_Backup1")
End Sub
End Module
Sauvegarde des bases de données et des journaux des transactions en Visual C#
Cet exemple de code montre comment sauvegarder une base de données existante dans un fichier, puis comment la restaurer.
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
class A {
public static void Main() {
// Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Server srv = new Server();
// Reference the AdventureWorks2022 database.
Database db = default(Database);
db = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks2022"];
// Store the current recovery model in a variable.
int recoverymod;
recoverymod = (int)db.DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel;
// Define a Backup object variable.
Backup bk = new Backup();
// Specify the type of backup, the description, the name, and the database to be backed up.
bk.Action = BackupActionType.Database;
bk.BackupSetDescription = "Full backup of AdventureWorks2022";
bk.BackupSetName = "AdventureWorks2022 Backup";
bk.Database = "AdventureWorks2022";
// Declare a BackupDeviceItem by supplying the backup device file name in the constructor, and the type of device is a file.
BackupDeviceItem bdi = default(BackupDeviceItem);
bdi = new BackupDeviceItem("Test_Full_Backup1", DeviceType.File);
// Add the device to the Backup object.
// Set the Incremental property to False to specify that this is a full database backup.
bk.Incremental = false;
// Set the expiration date.
System.DateTime backupdate = new System.DateTime();
backupdate = new System.DateTime(2006, 10, 5);
bk.ExpirationDate = backupdate;
// Specify that the log must be truncated after the backup is complete.
bk.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate;
// Run SqlBackup to perform the full database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
// Inform the user that the backup has been completed.
System.Console.WriteLine("Full Backup complete.");
// Remove the backup device from the Backup object.
// Make a change to the database, in this case, add a table called test_table.
Table t = default(Table);
t = new Table(db, "test_table");
Column c = default(Column);
c = new Column(t, "col", DataType.Int);
// Create another file device for the differential backup and add the Backup object.
BackupDeviceItem bdid = default(BackupDeviceItem);
bdid = new BackupDeviceItem("Test_Differential_Backup1", DeviceType.File);
// Add the device to the Backup object.
// Set the Incremental property to True for a differential backup.
bk.Incremental = true;
// Run SqlBackup to perform the incremental database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
// Inform the user that the differential backup is complete.
System.Console.WriteLine("Differential Backup complete.");
// Remove the device from the Backup object.
// Delete the AdventureWorks2022 database before restoring it
// db.Drop();
// Define a Restore object variable.
Restore rs = new Restore();
// Set the NoRecovery property to true, so the transactions are not recovered.
rs.NoRecovery = true;
// Add the device that contains the full database backup to the Restore object.
// Specify the database name.
rs.Database = "AdventureWorks2022";
// Restore the full database backup with no recovery.
// Inform the user that the Full Database Restore is complete.
Console.WriteLine("Full Database Restore complete.");
// reacquire a reference to the database
db = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks2022"];
// Remove the device from the Restore object.
// Set the NoRecovery property to False.
rs.NoRecovery = false;
// Add the device that contains the differential backup to the Restore object.
// Restore the differential database backup with recovery.
// Inform the user that the differential database restore is complete.
System.Console.WriteLine("Differential Database Restore complete.");
// Remove the device.
// Set the database recovery model back to its original value.
db.RecoveryModel = (RecoveryModel)recoverymod;
// Drop the table that was added.
// Remove the backup files from the hard disk.
// This location is dependent on the installation of SQL Server
System.IO.File.Delete("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\\MSSQL\\Backup\\Test_Full_Backup1");
System.IO.File.Delete("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\\MSSQL\\Backup\\Test_Differential_Backup1");
Sauvegarde des bases de données et des journaux des transactions dans PowerShell
Cet exemple de code montre comment sauvegarder une base de données existante dans un fichier, puis comment la restaurer.
#Backing up and restoring a Database from PowerShell
#Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
#Get a server object which corresponds to the default instance
$srv = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server
#Reference the AdventureWorks database.
$db = $srv.Databases["AdventureWorks"]
#Store the current recovery model in a variable.
$recoverymod = $db.DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel
#Create a Backup object
$bk = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Backup
#set to backup the database
$bk.Action = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.BackupActionType]::Database
#Set back up properties
$bk.BackupSetDescription = "Full backup of AdventureWorks"
$bk.BackupSetName = "AdventureWorks Backup"
$bk.Database = "AdventureWorks"
#Declare a BackupDeviceItem by supplying the backup device file name in the constructor,
#and the type of device is a file.
$dt = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.DeviceType]::File
$bdi = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.BackupDeviceItem `
-argumentlist "Test_FullBackup1", $dt
#Add the device to the Backup object.
#Set the Incremental property to False to specify that this is a full database backup.
$bk.Incremental = $false
#Set the expiration date.
$bk.ExpirationDate = get-date "10/05/2006"
#Specify that the log must be truncated after the backup is complete.
$bk.LogTruncation = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.BackupTruncateLogType]::Truncate
#Run SqlBackup to perform the full database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
#Inform the user that the backup has been completed.
"Full Backup complete."
#Remove the backup device from the Backup object.
#Make a change to the database, in this case, add a table called test_table.
$t = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Table -argumentlist $db, "test_table"
$type = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.DataType]::int
$c = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Column -argumentlist $t, "col", $type
#Create another file device for the differential backup and add the Backup object.
# $dt is file backup device
$bdid = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.BackupDeviceItem `
-argumentlist "Test_DifferentialBackup1", $dt
#Add this device to the backup set
#Set the Incremental property to True for a differential backup.
$bk.Incremental = $true
#Run SqlBackup to perform the incremental database backup on the instance of SQL Server.
#Inform the user that the differential backup is complete.
"Differential Backup complete."
#Remove the device from the Backup object.
#Delete the AdventureWorks database before restoring it.
#Define a Restore object variable.
$rs = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Restore
#Set the NoRecovery property to true, so the transactions are not recovered.
$rs.NoRecovery = $true
#Add the device that contains the full database backup to the Restore object.
#Specify the database name.
$rs.Database = "AdventureWorks"
#Restore the full database backup with no recovery.
#Inform the user that the Full Database Restore is complete.
"Full Database Restore complete."
#Remove the device from the Restore object.
#Set the NoRecovery property to False.
$rs.NoRecovery = $false
#Add the device that contains the differential backup to the Restore object.
#Restore the differential database backup with recovery.
#Inform the user that the differential database restore is complete.
"Differential Database Restore complete."
#Remove the device.
#Set the database recovery model back to its original value.
$db = $srv.Databases["AdventureWorks"]
$db.DatabaseOptions.RecoveryModel = $recoverymod
#Drop the table that was added.
#Delete the backup files - the exact location depends on your installation
del "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\Test_FullBackup1"
del "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\Test_DifferentialBackup1"
Exécution des contrôles d'intégrité de la base de données en Visual Basic
SQL Server fournit une vérification de l’intégrité des données. Cet exemple de code exécute une vérification de type cohérence de la base de données sur la base de données spécifiée. Dans cet exemple, la méthode CheckTables est utilisée, mais les méthodes CheckAllocations, CheckCatalog ou CheckIdentityValues peuvent être utilisées de la même façon.
L'objet StringCollection requiert une référence à l'espace de noms à l'aide de l'instruction imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Module S
Sub Main()
'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server
'Reference the AdventureWorks2022 database.
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks2022")
'Note, to use the StringCollection type the System.Collections.Specialized system namespace must be included in the imports statements.
Dim sc As StringCollection
'Run the CheckTables method and display the results from the returned StringCollection variable.
sc = db.CheckTables(RepairType.None)
Dim c As Integer
For c = 0 To sc.Count - 1
End Sub
End Module
Exécution des contrôles d'intégrité de la base de données en Visual C#
SQL Server fournit une vérification de l’intégrité des données. Cet exemple de code exécute une vérification de type cohérence de la base de données sur la base de données spécifiée. Dans cet exemple, la méthode CheckTables est utilisée, mais les méthodes CheckAllocations, CheckCatalog ou CheckIdentityValues peuvent être utilisées de la même façon.
L'objet StringCollection requiert une référence à l'espace de noms à l'aide de l'instruction imports System.Collections.Specialized
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
using System;
class A {
public static void Main() {
// Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Server srv = new Server();
// Reference the AdventureWorks2022 database.
Database db = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks2022"];
// Note, to use the StringCollection type the System.Collections.Specialized system namespace must be included in the imports statements.
System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection sc;
// Run the CheckTables method and display the results from the returned StringCollection variable.
sc = db.CheckTables(RepairType.None);
foreach (string c in sc) {
Exécution des contrôles d'intégrité de la base de données dans PowerShell
SQL Server fournit une vérification de l’intégrité des données. Cet exemple de code exécute une vérification de type cohérence de la base de données sur la base de données spécifiée. Dans cet exemple, la méthode CheckTables est utilisée, mais les méthodes CheckAllocations, CheckCatalog ou CheckIdentityValues peuvent être utilisées de la même façon.
L'objet StringCollection requiert une référence à l'espace de noms à l'aide de l'instruction imports System.Collections.Specialized
# Set the path context to the local, default instance of SQL Server and get a reference to AdventureWorks2022
CD \sql\localhost\default\databases
$db = get-item AdventureWorks2022
$sc = $db.CheckTables([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.RepairType]::None)
foreach ($c in $sc)