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Integration Concepts and Terminology

The integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales and Dynamics NAV involves the integration between entities in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales, such as accounts, and equivalent record types (tables) in Dynamics NAV, such as customers. Integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales involves several components and objects, along with business logic, working together. This article describes some of the main participants in integration.

Record Couplings

A coupling provides the basis for integrating records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales with records in Dynamics NAV. Essentially a coupling associates or links a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales record to a Dynamics NAV record. For example a specific account is coupled to a specific customer. A coupling enables users to open records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales from the Dynamics NAV client, and vice versa (if the Dynamics NAV integration solution is installed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales). It is also used when synchronizing data between the records.

Couplings can be set up automatically by using the synchronization jobs or manually by editing the record in the Dynamics NAV client. For more information, see Synchronizing Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 for Sales and How to: Couple and Synchronize Records Manually.

Integration Tables

An integration table is a table in the Dynamics NAV database that represents an entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales. The integration table includes fields that correspond to fields in the entity. The integration table acts as a link or connector between the Dynamics NAV table and the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales entity. For example, for integrating the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales accounts entity, the Dynamics NAV database includes the integration table 5341 CRM Accounts.

Integration Table Mappings

An integration table mapping links the Dynamics NAV table to the integration table for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales entity. For each entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales that you want to synchronize with corresponding data in Dynamics NAV, there must be a corresponding integration table mapping. Integration table mappings are stored in table 5335 Integration Table Mappings and can be viewed and modified from page 5335 Integration Table Mappings. Complex mappings and synchronization rules are defined in codeunit 5341.

Integration Field Mappings

A field mapping associates a field in a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales entity record with a field in a Dynamics NAV record. The mapping is used to determine which data to synchronize between Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales and Dynamics NAV records. The field mappings define which field in Dynamics NAV corresponds to which field in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales. For example a Dynamics NAV customer includes some fields that are either not supported in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales accounts, or you just do not want the data to be synchronized. Integration field mappings are defined in table 5336 Integration Field Map.

See Also

Integrating Dynamics 365 for Sales in Dynamics NAV
Setting Up Dynamics 365 for Sales Integration in Dynamics NAV
How to: Set Up a Dynamics 365 for Sales Connection
How to: Enable Default Dynamics 365 for Sales Synchronization Setup