
Partage via

AboutTextML Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 10.0.

Sets the body of text that appears in a teaching tip in the UI.

Applies to

  • Page Custom Action
  • Page File Upload Action
  • Query
  • Page
  • Page Action
  • Page Action Group
  • Page Field
  • Page Part
  • Page Group
  • Request Page

Property Value

Accepts a plain text value. Markdown or any similar formatting are treated as literals.


AboutTextML = ENU = 'Sales invoices appear in this list until they are finalized and posted. After an invoice is posted, find it again in the Posted Sales Invoices list.', DAN = 'Salgsfakturaer vises i denne liste indtil de er posteret. Når en faktura er posteret, kan den findes igen i listen over posterede salgsfakturaer.';


For more information, see the AboutText Property.

For more information about designing teaching tips and tours, see Teaching tips and in-app tours for onboarding users.

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AboutText Property
AboutTitleMl Property