How to add Github Deployment configuration for Azure App Service Slot with Terraform?
I'm working on automating the creation of App Services (with Slots) with Terraform, but I'm struggling on the Deployment Github configuration. I'm looking at a way to add the Github settings : repository, branch and identity but I'm facing errors.... I tried to use the following configuration :
resource "azurerm_app_service_source_control_slot" "git_source_control" {
slot_id = azurerm_linux_web_app_slot.staging_slot[0].id
repo_url = var.github_repo_url
branch = var.github_branch
resource "azurerm_user_assigned_identity" "linux_identity" {
name = "identity"
location = var.rg_location
resource_group_name = var.rg_name
resource "azurerm_federated_identity_credential" "linux_federated_identity" {
name = "federated_identity_${var.webapp_name}"
resource_group_name = local.rgr_name
audience = ["api://AzureADTokenExchange"]
issuer = ""
parent_id = azurerm_user_assigned_identity.linux_identity[0].id
subject = var.github_repo_url
Unfortunately, it failed with the following error :
Error: creating Source Control configuration for Slot (Subscription: "***********"
│ Resource Group Name: "******" │ Site Name: "*******" │ Slot Name: "STG"): unexpected status 404 (404 Not Found) with response: {"Code":"NotFound","Message":"Cannot find User with name
.","Target":null,"Details":[{"Message":"Cannot find User with name
."},{"Code":"NotFound"},{"ErrorEntity":{"ExtendedCode":"51004","MessageTemplate":"Cannot find {0} with name {1}.","Parameters":["User","fa123456-123456abcdef"],"Code":"NotFound","Message":"Cannot find User with name
PS : I'm using Federated Credentials between Azure and my Github repository instead of credentials, and it's works well for the Github Actions.
If anyone of you have some ideas, workarounds or another way to implement it, I'll be grateful for that.
Thanks a lot for your help