IIS / ODBC / user permission



With Windows server 2009 / IIS 10 / ODBC 64 / Classic ASP i experience a problem.

We have an internat website (Intranet) for our company, In global.asa i open ODBC connection :

Session_Start :

Set Myconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Myconn .ConnectionString = "ODBC;DSN=MyDSN;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}"

Myconn .Open

This is working perfectly when i navigate on this website, i'm a member of administrators group

My problem : when a domain user try to navigate the WAS rise a warning , saying the process terminate, and the web interface ask for user credential; when the user gives user/password it does not work , the only way to make it working it to give credential of an admin user

Strange behaviour : after rebooting the server or after iisreset, users cannot navigate until an administrator navigate once... looks like the administrator open a pipe, and that pipe make the website workign for standard user.

After analysys the the WAS warning says that the process terminate because of a broken pipe, after debugging the MSADO15!CCONECNECTION::OPEN cause this process termination. This comes from MSADO15.DLL

I checked process, and i can't see any ACCESS_DENIED error.

I checked user permission on the server (DB, DB path, WWW path, MSADO15.DLL, ...) i can't find why a user can't open the ODBC connection for the first time.

Any idea ?

Thank you , Didier

Appareils et déploiement de Windows Server - Composants de gestion du système

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    Bonjour Didier CLAPIER,

    Merci d’avoir posté sur les forums de la communauté Microsoft.

    D’après la description, je comprends que votre problème est lié aux services d’information sur Internet.

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    Bonne journée.

    Sinceres salutations


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