


The Spinner is a composite control that consists of an increment button, a decrement button, and an edit control, all of which are used to provide decimal values to the application.


The following screen shot illustrates the Ribbon Spinner.

screen shot of a spinner control in the windows live moviemaker ribbon.

Spinner Properties

The Ribbon framework defines a collection of property keys for the Spinner control.

Typically, a Spinner property is updated in the ribbon UI by invalidating the Command associated with the control through a call to the IUIFramework::InvalidateUICommand method. The invalidation event is handled, and the property updates defined, by the IUICommandHandler::UpdateProperty callback method.

The IUICommandHandler::UpdateProperty callback method is not executed, and the application queried for an updated property value, until the property is required by the framework. For example, when a tab is activated and a control revealed in the ribbon UI, or when a tooltip is displayed.


In some cases, a property can be retrieved through the IUIFramework::GetUICommandProperty method and set with the IUIFramework::SetUICommandProperty method.

The following table lists the property keys that are associated with the Spinner control.

Property Key Notes
UI_PKEY_DecimalPlaces Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_DecimalValue Supports IUIFramework::GetUICommandProperty and IUIFramework::SetUICommandProperty. Note: If the Command associated with the control is invalidated through a call to IUIFramework::InvalidateUICommand, the framework queries this property when UI_INVALIDATIONS_VALUE is passed as the value of flags.
UI_PKEY_Enabled Supports IUIFramework::GetUICommandProperty and IUIFramework::SetUICommandProperty.
UI_PKEY_FormatString Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_Increment Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_Keytip Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_Label Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_LargeHighContrastImage Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_LargeImage Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_MaxValue Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_MinValue Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_RepresentativeString Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_SmallHighContrastImage Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_SmallImage Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_TooltipDescription Can only be updated through invalidation.
UI_PKEY_TooltipTitle Can only be updated through invalidation.

The following section of code demonstrates how various properties of the Spinner control are updated in the IUICommandHandler::UpdateProperty method.

//  FUNCTION:    UpdateProperty()
//  PURPOSE:    Called by the Ribbon framework when a command property needs 
//                to be updated.
//  COMMENTS:    This function is used to provide new command property values for 
//                the spinner when requested by the Ribbon framework.  
STDMETHODIMP CCommandHandler::UpdateProperty(
    UINT nCmdID,
    const PROPVARIANT* ppropvarCurrentValue,
    PROPVARIANT* ppropvarNewValue)


        // Set the minimum value
        if (IsEqualPropertyKey(key, UI_PKEY_MinValue))
            ZeroMemory(ppropvarNewValue, sizeof(*ppropvarNewValue));
            ppropvarNewValue->vt = VT_DECIMAL;
            VarDecFromR8(-10.0, &ppropvarNewValue->decVal);
            hr = S_OK;

        // Set the maximum value
        else if (IsEqualPropertyKey(key, UI_PKEY_MaxValue))
            ZeroMemory(ppropvarNewValue, sizeof(*ppropvarNewValue));
            ppropvarNewValue->vt = VT_DECIMAL;
            VarDecFromR8(10.0, &ppropvarNewValue->decVal);
            hr = S_OK;

        // Set the increment
        else if (IsEqualPropertyKey(key, UI_PKEY_Increment))
            ZeroMemory(ppropvarNewValue, sizeof(*ppropvarNewValue));
            ppropvarNewValue->vt = VT_DECIMAL;
            VarDecFromR8(2.0, &ppropvarNewValue->decVal);
            hr = S_OK;

        // Set the number of decimal places
        else if (IsEqualPropertyKey(key, UI_PKEY_DecimalPlaces))
            hr = InitPropVariantFromUInt32(1, ppropvarNewValue);
            hr = S_OK;

        // Set the format string
        else if (IsEqualPropertyKey(key, UI_PKEY_FormatString))
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(L"px", ppropvarNewValue);
            hr = S_OK;

        // Set the representative string
        else if (IsEqualPropertyKey(key, UI_PKEY_RepresentativeString))
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(L"AAAAAAA", ppropvarNewValue);
            hr = S_OK;
    return hr;


If the minimum value (UI_PKEY_MinValue) of a Spinner is initialized to 0.0, the application should ensure that any subsequent value supplied by the control does not equal -0.0 (negative zero). If the Spinner supplies a value of -0.0, the application should reset this value to 0.0 (positive zero) using the IUIFramework::SetUICommandProperty method as shown in the following example of an IUICommandHandler::Execute method for a Spinner control.


If this test is not performed and the value left uncorrected, the edit field of the control displays the string "Auto".

//  FUNCTION:    Execute()
//  PURPOSE:    Called by the Ribbon framework when a command is executed by the user.  
//                For this sample, when an increment or decrement button is pressed or
//                a new value is entered in the Spinner edit field.
STDMETHODIMP CCommandHandler::Execute(
      UINT nCmdID,
      const PROPERTYKEY* key,
      const PROPVARIANT* ppropvarValue,
      IUISimplePropertySet* pCommandExecutionProperties)


        RenderParam param;

        if (nCmdID == IDR_CMD_SPINNER_RESIZE)
            // Spinner value is negative.
            if (!(ppropvarValue->decVal.sign == 0))
                // Check if the value supplied by the Spinner is -0
                // and correct the value if necessary.
                // If this value is left uncorrected, the edit field 
                // of the control will display the string "Auto" when 
                // UI_PKEY_MinValue is set to 0.
                if (ppropvarValue->decVal.Lo64 == 0)
                    // Initialize a new PROPVARIANT structure.
                    PROPVARIANT m_varNewVal;

                    // The replacement DECIMAL value.
                    DECIMAL m_dVal;
                    hr = VarDecFromI4(0, &m_dVal);
                    if (FAILED(hr))
                        return hr;
                    // Initialize the new DECIMAL value.
                    UIInitPropertyFromDecimal(UI_PKEY_DecimalValue, m_dVal, &m_varNewVal);

                    // Set the UI_PKEY_DecimalValue to the new DECIMAL value.
                    hr = g_pFramework->SetUICommandProperty(nCmdID, UI_PKEY_DecimalValue, m_varNewVal);
                    if (FAILED(hr))
                        return hr;
                // Decrease size of shape in document space.
                param.iShapeSizeIncrement = -ppropvarValue->intVal;
            // Spinner value is positive.
                // Increase size of shape in document space.
                param.iShapeSizeIncrement = ppropvarValue->intVal;

    return hr;

Windows Ribbon Framework Control Library

Spinner markup element