Design Updates that Impact Compatibility between Browsers
- Artikkeli
This section and the following table show the four major areas of compatibility (not in order of incidence or ranking of priority).
Versioning |
- Version Vectors
- User Agent String
- Version Vectors
- User Agent String
Standards |
- HTML 4.01 improvements
- CSS 2.1 improvements
- Additional HTML 4.01 improvements
- Full CSS 2.1 compliance
- Some HTML 5.0 support
- ECMAScript 3rd edition support and some ECMAScript 5th edition support (including native JSON)
Security |
- HTTPS improvements
- More secure scripting
- Protected Mode (Windows Vista and later versions)
- Better protection from malware
- DEP/NX & XSS filter on by default
- HTTP/HTTPS mixed mode
- AJAX more secure
Architecture |
- Loosely coupled Internet Explorer
Addressing Application Compatibility When Migrating to Internet Explorer 8