

Using the Remote Desktop ActiveX control

The following topics contain information about how you can use the Remote Desktop ActiveX control to customize the Remote Desktop Services user experience.

The Remote Desktop ActiveX control is available in the following forms:

  • The scriptable control—implements interfaces that are safe for scripting. This form of the control can be used by web clients or scripting (such as VBScript) hosts.
  • The nonscriptable control—offers additional functionality that is not safe for scripting. This form of the control can be used from native or managed code, but this form cannot be used by web clients or scripting-only hosts.

The following list contains the CLSIDs for the different controls for different operating system versions. Each of the CLSIDs is compatible with later system versions. For example, the CLSID for the scriptable control on Windows Vista will work on later system versions, such as Windows 7.

System version Scriptable control CLSID Nonscriptable control CLSID
Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2 301B94BA-5D25-4A12-BFFE-3B6E7A616585 8B918B82-7985-4C24-89DF-C33AD2BBFBCD
Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 5F681803-2900-4C43-A1CC-CF405404A676 A3BC03A0-041D-42E3-AD22-882B7865C9C5
Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 A9D7038D-B5ED-472E-9C47-94BEA90A5910 54D38BF7-B1EF-4479-9674-1BD6EA465258
Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) 7390F3D8-0439-4C05-91E3-CF5CB290C3D0 D2EA46A7-C2BF-426B-AF24-E19C44456399
Windows Vista 4EB89FF4-7F78-4A0F-8B8D-2BF02E94E4B2 4EB2F086-C818-447E-B32C-C51CE2B30D31


In this section

Embedding the Remote Desktop ActiveX control in a webpage

Example that demonstrates the use of the scriptable interfaces.

Implementing scriptable virtual channels by using Remote Desktop Web Connection

Code examples that show the steps for implementing scriptable virtual channels with Remote Desktop Web Connection.

Using the Remote Desktop ActiveX control with virtual channels

If you have enabled a virtual channels application in your Remote Desktop Services deployment, you can make this application available to client computers.

Sample webpage included with the Remote Desktop ActiveX control

A sample webpage (Default.htm) is in the directory where Remote Desktop Web Connection is installed.

Providing for RDP client security

Some properties of the Remote Desktop ActiveX control object are restricted to specific Internet Explorer URL security zones.

Disabling Remote Desktop Services features

For enhanced security, you might choose to disable Remote Desktop Services features.

Calling Remote Desktop ActiveX control non-scriptable interfaces

Provides guidance for calling non-scriptable Remote Desktop ActiveX controls from native and managed code.

For more information about the sample webpage that is included with the installation of the Remote Desktop ActiveX control, see Sample webpage included with the Remote Desktop ActiveX control.