

Nested Calls to SRSetRestorePoint

This topic describes support for nested calls to SRSetRestorePoint through the BEGIN_NESTED_SYSTEM_CHANGE and END_NESTED_SYSTEM_CHANGE event types.

Applications can safely call SRSetRestorePoint when using these event types. The first call to the function creates a restore point. Subsequent nested calls to the function do not create restore points. For example, suppose an application makes the following calls to SRSetRestorePoint:

For restore point A with dwEventType = BEGIN_NESTED_SYSTEM_CHANGE
For restore point B with dwEventType = BEGIN_NESTED_SYSTEM_CHANGE
For restore point B with dwEventType = END_NESTED_SYSTEM_CHANGE
For restore point A with dwEventType = END_NESTED_SYSTEM_CHANGE

The second call does not create a new restore point because the call is nested.