

Program Information Tables Group

The Program Information Tables group contain important information that used throughout the installation.

  • The Property table provides a means to specify all of the properties of an installation.
  • The Binary table holds the binary data for items such as bitmaps, animations, and icons. The binary table is also used to store data for custom actions. This table can contain a bitmap for a billboard, the icon for your program, or the executable form of a custom action.
  • The Error table is used to look up error message formatting templates when processing errors with an error code set. This is for the usual case where there is no formatting template set. The installer has its own error processing mechanism. Errors are passed as records.
  • Shortcut table the shortcut table holds the information the application needs to create Shortcuts on the user's computer.
  • The ReserveCost table contains the disk space necessary for each component to work properly.