

Determining the Windows Installer Version

You can use the following methods to determine the Windows Installer version:

  • Call the MsiGetFileVersion function with the szFilePath parameter set to the path to the file Msi.dll.

    You can call the SHGetKnownFolderPath function with the CSIDL_SYSTEM constant to get the path to Msi.dll. Beginning with Windows Vista, applications should use the SHGetFolderPath function and the REFKNOWNFOLDERID "System." Existing applications that use the SHGetFolderPath function and the CSIDL type will continue to work.

  • The value of the Installer.Version property of the Installer Object is equivalent to the four-field strings listed in the Released Versions of Windows Installer topic.

  • Applications can get the Windows Installer version by using DllGetVersion.

  • The installer sets the VersionMsi property to the version of Windows Installer that is run during the installation.

For more information, see Released Versions of Windows Installer.