

Media Foundation Events

Event Description
MEAudioSessionDeviceRemoved The audio device was removed.
MEAudioSessionDisconnected The audio session was disconnected from a Windows Terminal Services session
MEAudioSessionExclusiveModeOverride The audio session was preempted by an exclusive-mode connection.
MEAudioSessionFormatChanged The default audio format for the audio device changed.
MEAudioSessionGroupingParamChanged The grouping parameters changed for the audio session.
MEAudioSessionIconChanged The audio session icon changed.
MEAudioSessionNameChanged The audio session display name changed.
MEAudioSessionServerShutdown The Windows audio server system was shut down.
MEAudioSessionVolumeChanged The volume or mute state of the audio session changed
MEBufferingStarted A media source started to buffer data.
MEBufferingStopped A media source stopped buffering data.
MECaptureAudioSessionDeviceRemoved The device was removed.
MECaptureAudioSessionDisconnected The audio session is disconnected because the user logged off from a Windows Terminal Services (WTS) session.
MECaptureAudioSessionExclusiveModeOverride The user opened an audio stream in exclusive mode.
MECaptureAudioSessionFormatChanged The audio format changed.
MECaptureAudioSessionServerShutdown The audio session server shutdown.
MECaptureAudioSessionVolumeChanged The volume changed.
MEConnectEnd The network source finished opening a URL.
MEConnectStart The network source started opening a URL.
MEContentProtectionMessage The configuration changed for an output protection scheme.
MEEnablerCompleted A content enabler object's action is complete.
MEEnablerProgress Signals the progress of a content enabler object.
MEEndOfPresentation Raised by a media source when a presentation ends.
MEEndOfPresentationSegment Raised by the sequencer source when a segment is completed and is followed by another segment.
MEEndOfStream Raised by a media stream when the stream ends.
MEError Signals a serious error.
MEExtendedType Custom event type.
MEIndividualizationCompleted Individualization is complete.
MEIndividualizationStart Individualization is about to begin.
MELicenseAcquisitionCompleted License acquisition is complete.
MELicenseAcquisitionStart License acquisition is about to begin.
MEMediaSample Raised when a media stream delivers a new sample.
MENewPresentation Raised by a media source a new presentation is ready.
MENewStream Raised by a media source when it starts a new stream.
MENonFatalError A non-fatal error occurred during streaming.
MEPolicyChanged The output policy for a stream changed.
MEPolicyError Raised by a trusted output if an error occurs while enforcing the output policy.
MEPolicyReport Contains status information about the enforcement of an output policy.
MEPolicySet The IMFOutputTrustAuthority::SetPolicy method completed.
MEQualityNotify Provides feedback about playback quality to the quality manager.
MEReconnectEnd Raised by a media source at the end of a reconnection attempt.
MEReconnectStart Raised by a media source at the start of a reconnection attempt.
MERendererEvent Raised by the enhanced video renderer (EVR) when it receives a user event from the presenter.
MESequencerSourceTopologyUpdated Raised by the sequencer source when the IMFSequencerSource::UpdateTopology method completes asynchronously.
MESessionCapabilitiesChanged Raised by the Media Session when the session capabilities change.
MESessionClosed Raised when the IMFMediaSession::Close method completes asynchronously.
MESessionEnded Raised by the Media Session when it has finished playing the last presentation in the playback queue.
MESessionNotifyPresentationTime Raised by the Media Session when a new presentation starts.
MESessionPaused Raised when the IMFMediaSession::Pause method completes asynchronously.
MESessionRateChanged Raised by the Media Session when the playback rate changes.
MESessionScrubSampleComplete Raised by the Media Session when it completes a scrubbing request.
MESessionStarted Raised when the IMFMediaSession::Start method completes asynchronously.
MESessionStopped Raised when the IMFMediaSession::Stop method completes asynchronously.
MESessionStreamSinkFormatChanged Raised by the Media Session when the format changes on a media sink.
MESessionTopologiesCleared Raised by the Media Session when the IMFMediaSession::ClearTopologies method completes asynchronously.
MESessionTopologySet Raised after the IMFMediaSession::SetTopology method completes asynchronously
MESessionTopologyStatus Raised by the Media Session when the status of a topology changes.
MESinkInvalidated Raised when a media sink becomes invalid.
MESourceCharacteristicsChanged Raised by a media source when the source's characteristics change.
MESourceMetadataChanged Raised by a media source when it updates its metadata.
MESourcePaused Raised by a media source when the IMFMediaSource::Pause method completes asynchronously.
MESourceRateChanged Raised by a media source when the playback rate changes.
MESourceRateChangeRequested Raised by a media source to request a new playback rate.
MESourceSeeked Raised when a media source seeks to a new position.
MESourceStarted Raised when a media source starts without seeking.
MESourceStopped Raised by a media source when the IMFMediaSource::Stop method completes asynchronously.
MEStreamFormatChanged Raised by a media stream when the media type of the stream changes.
MEStreamPaused Raised by a media stream when the IMFMediaSource::Pause method completes asynchronously.
MEStreamSeeked Raised by a media stream after a call to IMFMediaSource::Start causes a seek in the stream.
MEStreamSinkDeviceChanged Raised by the stream sinks of the EVR if the video device changes.
MEStreamSinkFormatChanged Raised by a stream sink when the sink's media type is no longer valid.
MEStreamSinkMarker Raised by a stream sink after the IMFStreamSink::PlaceMarker method is called.
MEStreamSinkPaused Raised by a stream sink when it completes the transition to the paused state.
MEStreamSinkPrerolled Raised by a stream sink when the stream has received enough preroll data to begin rendering.
MEStreamSinkRateChanged Raised by a stream sink when the rate has changed.
MEStreamSinkRequestSample Raised by a stream sink to request a new media sample from the pipeline.
MEStreamSinkScrubSampleComplete Raised by a stream sink when it completes a scrubbing request.
MEStreamSinkStarted Raised by a stream sink when it completes the transition to the running state.
MEStreamSinkStopped Raised by a stream sink when it completes the transition to the stopped state.
MEStreamStarted Raised by a media stream when the source starts without seeking.
MEStreamStopped Raised by a media stream when the IMFMediaSource::Stop method completes asynchronously.
MEStreamThinMode Raised by a media stream when it starts or stops thinning the stream.
MEStreamTick Signals that a media stream does not have data available at a specified time.
METransformDrainComplete Sent by an asynchronous Media Foundation transform (MFT) when a drain operation is complete.
METransformHaveOutput Sent by an asynchronous MFT when new output data is available from the MFT.
METransformMarker Sent by an asynchronous MFT in response to an MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_MARKER message.
METransformNeedInput Sent by an asynchronous MFT to request a new input sample.
MEUnknown Unknown event type.
MEUpdatedStream Raised by a media source when it restarts or seeks a stream that is already active.
MEVideoCaptureDevicePreempted The device has been preempted.
MEVideoCaptureDeviceRemoved The device has been removed.


Media Foundation Programming Reference

Media Event Generators
